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Everything posted by Dr.Octagonapus

  1. We don't need to remove or change the rule, just use some common sense. "The Warden must use their reasoning to reduce CT deaths a much as possible." Simple as that. The Warden just needs to use his brain and in the end, regardless of who wins and who dies, It will be fine. No rule removal needed. -1
  2. You are right, going back and forth won't get us anywhere. The thing is, we are centering on the wrong thing. Its not that he was abusing commands it's just, he was generally not being very... Mod-ish. He gave no warning before hand, all three times, he didn't give a reason until almost an entire round later when he slayed someone else, and then refusing to accept anything, regardless of who said it. The admin abuse is not the commands, or the slaying, its the fact that he is abusing the very fact that he IS a mod, overextending his reach in eagerness to use those commands and then simply ignoring the fact that he did, treating others like simple peasants. There is a difference between a law enforcer and a dictator. Both make laws, both enforce them, but the justice behind them is very different. EDIT: Aight, I'll wait for some more people. Meanwhile I G2G to bed, so don't expect a response for a little while.
  3. That argument would be valid if it was indeed impossible to type while moving. Trust me, its not impossible. You can't move AFTER you start typing, but if you keep moving before and while you type you can do it. << Disregard that. Ninja'd.
  4. That's true. I suppose that if it was a joke/story/make me a sandwich/make me dinner and so on day, and EVERYONE was in Iso, then its obvious you have to let them out. The problem was that we didn't have the time to ask to be let out before we were slayed. I don't know about the other guy in my cell, but I was halfway done typing when I was slain. And "Let me out of Iso" Isn't exactly a presidents address, so it wasn't very much of a time limit. EDIT: Yes, you can press WASD while typing if you hold it while you type. I'm used to games such as NS2, TF2, GMOD, where you need to be constantly moving while communicating, so I probably did it subconsciously. Check my times on steam if you doubt me.
  5. The problem is the timetable is all messed up. You guys think I was sitting there for a minute or so while LastCT raged on outside, but thats not true. Yes, I was running around for a few seconds. Then I started to type, and as I was doing so was slayed, so I changed. And its not all about me. Some guy was just playing jump rope, got stuck and then was slayed for NO REASON. He was in there for barely 6 seconds before he was slain. EDIT: "If the T’s are locked in Cells, ISO, or any other location the last CT MUST let the T's out." Quote from rules. That's all it specifies, so I'm assuming the 'You two better figure it out' is invalid.
  6. The second one was actually PLAYING jump rope, and he lost, he didn't do it on purpose. I know this because I was spectating him. The third one is understandable, but for me, the LastCT never opened Iso or was even told that there was a button until AFTER I WAS SLAIN. Edit: I said bull because, as stated, he DIDN'T purposefully do it. He was lying. Ergo, Bull. Also, He slayed us only a couple of seconds, 8 to 10, after lastCT started.
  7. 1: I FOUND the button. Its easy to jump around in a small room until you find the button in the corner. 2: It's the LastCTs responsibility to open Iso for those trapped in it. 3: It's not camping if you can't leave, again, if you are trapped it is the LastCTs responsibility to open it for you. Not to mention the fact that once you commited those wrongs you didn't even accept them AS wrongs. You just argued and treated others with contempt, for no reason, and never even explained WHY you slayed us. Just told us it was our responsibility to not camp. Never told us we WERE camping, even though we weren't.
  8. Around 8:30/40 In the middle of a LastCT, I and another T were stuck in Isolation and could not get out. *DEAD* (Whitestar) slayed us both, without even telling us we were 'Camping' or giving any reason afterwards. We both complained and other users and admins did as well. The very next round FattyPooPoo was stuck in a cage for getting hit by a jump rope and was slain as well, again with no warning or explanation afterwards. *DEAD* refused to even accept that he did something wrong, much less slay himself or even apologize. He continued to be arrogant and up-tight, even towards other admins. Eventually I left and made an account, and am now here. Please check the records, even though I have nothing to prove it. He was insanely insolent, disregarding even the slightest criticism, even telling us to use vents to avoid being slain.