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Everything posted by MaYheM

  1. MaYheM

    Bhop 2013

    Server is wacko right now, nobody can join. While I'm here might as well ask if yer gonna change stuff to make the water in the pool murky or dark, so when we rebel CTs have a harder time killing us. Hard enough as it is to rebel on the map when CTs can see us clearly in the pool knifing vent.
  2. "why does his stature or placement be valued more in lieu of another player doing the same thing? If they KNEW the servers were a shit hole, he could have kept up to date on the forums or got on team speak as I kept giving updates to all the players who were asking INSTEAD of breaking rules." I might ask you the same thing Nova, it seems like I'm the only one that got a punishment this hard and you say you banned a bunch of "others" funny because I haven't seen one of them come forth like me because none of them probably play in the server anyway. What I KNEW? Have you read a single post I made in this thread? EVERYTHING that occurred was within 10 minutes of me updating CS:GO and joining the server, it all happened within the first 5 rounds I had NO IDEA what the fuck was going on. If I'm being harsh it's because you are blatantly being a prick to me when during this whole month I haven't done shit to you, Why are you so negative towards me anyway? I don't get it.
  3. First of all I did not admit to mass freekilling, I admit to gun planting and "freekilling" 1 T in his cell who was AFK anyways and the others I killed because they either had guns in their hands or were attacking. The only reason I did these things was because the server was haywire and I'm flabbergasted how under these special circumstances it's almost totally being ignored. Like I went into the server during prime time and purposefully just unloaded on a stack of Ts and left or something. Nobody said anything to me and nobody complained. You have no proof of me mass killing because I didn't. Second you say you don't do "wee bans" that's bullshit too, I've read a handful of the recent ban protests and here are some examples: HanBer You witnessed this player freekill 3 Ts, this is highly more offensive and rule breaking then my actions and you gave him a one day ban, your quote: "First of all, I banned you when you were a CT, You free killed 3 players. It's only for a day." One day ban seems fair, yet I'm permanently banned from the entire server forever? This is from the same thread and I'm quoting Chrono the Div leader you speak of: "If you had proof you did not do any of this such it would be helpful, however as killing 3 would be considered mass freekill which is a (css) perm ct ban and (csgo) week server ban and month ct ban, seems like you may have got off easy." So what I did according to the Div leader leads to a maximum punishment of a week server ban and month CT ban which by the way, I NEVER COMMITED THESE ACTS IN THE FIRST PLACE AND I DO NOT ADMIT TO MASS FREE KILLING. This is "fair" in your eyes? Why does one player get a one day ban and another permanent server life ban for the same acts? LQuidador This guy made a special day in his honor and I quote "Make a LQ Days (LQ day is simple: Cells open, all CT freekill everyones)" I saw this guy the day servers went to hell and I don't even wanna list all the shit he did, anyways irrelevant. You guys gave this guy CT ban as well. He created a fucking day in the honor of his name to give CTs permission to freekill everyone in their cells and this is what you had to say and I quote: "I know some people may say he hasn't changed, but I want the most active players and opinions on others about this, if we should appeal his ban or not. Its a collective response and not based on 1 single player." "I want everyone to look at the bigger picture and to see if you think he has changed for the better or if he should be given a chance" So he gets a chance and not me? This guy was only CT banned for an offense far greater then mine and I'm permanently banned from playing in the server entirely not only CT but T too forever? Opie This guy mass freekilled with helicopter because he didn't know how to fly it and was only perm CT banned as well, which by the way got lifted. This is only on the front page of ban protests, I ask again why am I banned from playing in the server entirely and all these guys get is a CT ban? As stated in a previous post I could care less about being CT banned I never play CT anyways, but I enjoy playing jailbreak and as a T. It's in essence the only reason I bought this damn game in the first place. I hope I've made my point...
  4. That's bullshit, if you were spectating me then you'll know that I was not blatantly mass freekilling Ts as you claim, nor was I spamming. The worst I did in those what 3-5 rounds was throw Ts some weapons because they were getting massacred in their cells by random CTs. Where's the evidence of me mass freekilling? There is none because I wasn't and if I did it was that single T sitting AFK frozen in their cell which I hardly think constitutes a perm-ban. Even if I did the things which you claim I did, why am I being permanently banned? Why are others on here protesting their bans who have done far worse getting one day, one week, one month CT banned and I'm stuck with a permanent? I've seen CTs shoot into stacks, bait and gun plant everyday in the servers during prime time and the worst they get is a one day CT ban. It's unjust, don't I get a warning or another chance? I've been playing on this server for over a month almost everyday and never caused any problems you should know that Nova when did I ever do anything wrong under the tag MoveMaker? What I did that day was done entirely by confusion and misunderstanding, I don't care if I'm perm CT banned just wanna go play on T side again...
  5. I would like to hear Novas end of this as well. My ban reason claims "mass" freekilling and spamming as well, I did not do those things. I'm not sure what constitutes "mass" freekilling, but I'm sure it wasn't what I was doing. Don't mods have to provide evidence to perma-ban? This whole thing just seems like he said she said. A perma-ban is real harsh for my actions, had a mod been on and seen what I was doing, I think a one day CT ban would have been sufficient. I mean shit people are burning buildings down in the server and getting away free and I get caught lighting up a smoke in the wrong place at the wrong time and I'm getting life. I was in Vegas and pretty high and drunk when I joined initially after the CS:GO update so my memory is fuzzy, but I do remember clearly when I first joined the server CTs were killing Ts left and right before cells were even open. Not just one CT the majority of them. I remember Ebic and Tchief were on T side, saying nothing about it, so I thought rules weren't being enforced. I could have sworn one of them was clearly yelling out "toss me guns, toss me guns!". The only T that I CLEARLY remember "freekilling" was AFK frozen inside their cell and during all this time not a single warden order was given so I didn't even know the game was being played. Jesus take a look at my stats I've joined T side 46 times and CT side 4 times, the only reason I was even on CT side that day was because team balance was off I had no choice and no idea what was going on. After I left I joined the server again that day in castleguard and Lego where I was a T. Same exact thing was going on most of the CTs were killing everyone inside their cells, everyone was just fucking around I thought it was normal, wasn't even mad when CTs were freekilling me. I remember a prominent member of the xG community tossed me an AWP while I was in showers of lego and as soon as I turned around to see who gave me the gun I got shot in the head and we had a good laugh. Well whatever, in the end what I'm trying to say is had I joined the server when the game was actually being played the correct way and I was on CT side this would 100% not have happened.
  6. Yes, I admit to them, but I don't think you understand why I did them. I mean were you there when servers were down? I was and can name a handful of regulars that were doing the same exact thing and worse but, I'm not a snitch and I don't really care because the server was down. I mean the Ts didn't even have knives for fucks sake I wanted to have a little fun so I threw them some weapons so they have a chance. I feel like I'm in a twilight zone is this for real? Maybe what I did was wrong but, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. I mean shit Chrono don't you know me? I've been a consistent top 3 T player for like a month now and because the servers get screwed up and I make a few mishaps it constitutes a perma-ban? If that's the case then nothing I can do so fuck it.
  7. Whoever banned me or asked for my ban I apologize I guess. In my defense though it was total chaos in the server, I don't know why I was banned. I mean, nobody was really following the rules because everything was down. Team balance was off, no last request, no warden orders etc. I gunplanted the Ts stuck in their cells who had no orders/no weapons and if I remember right the only Ts I killed were either AFK or they had a gun in their hand. I wasn't even a CT for that long like 5 rounds or so? To be honest if this is the case then all the people in that server when this was going down should be banned too which is unfair. I've haven't been playing this server long but, when things were normal I didn't break any rules. I'm sure at least some regulars recognize my name and know this. Never freekilled, gunplanted or anything but rebel when the server was normal. Edit: This might help my case I was playing under my friends CS:GO account with the game tag: MoveMaker before I bought CS:GO for myself. Under the tag MoveMaker I never broke any rules either and some of the regulars I hope can vouch for me.