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Friend of xG
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  1. Dislike
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in XenoGamers Teamspeak   
    I'm wondering why this was said, but if you didn't know... Deleting servers for CS:S *POLL*

    As I HAVE SAID TWICE, I JUST GOT BACK you people do not know how to read?
    If that was a mistake, ignore what i said.
    Also, i was just simply leading you to a thread that would answer your questions fully now. :3 (Also quoting it)
  2. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    That's actually not my forum name lol
  3. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Steam account hijacked   
    Once you get your account back, free games..?
  4. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    So you like? :D
  5. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    Heres another one with a tophat, because hey, tophats are cool on snakes. [MEDIA=imgur]3jXQAct[/MEDIA]
    Its great but wheres the gkoo? Also the snake has a rat tail hanging out of its mouth. Love the top hat.
    So you want the rat tail out? And how do you want me to implement Gkoo in? Im confused on that part, sorry.
  6. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    I'll start right away
    [MEDIA=imgur]SSt69vj[/MEDIA] What do you like, what do you hate, what do you want added or changed?
  7. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    I'll start right away
  8. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    How to Install Sprays (Counter-Strike: Source > Tutorials > Installation) - GAMEBANANA
  9. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Photoshop Sprays   
    Tell me what ya like and what you want changed. [MEDIA=imgur]w0uKABB[/MEDIA]
    On the right part where its empty, can you put in this rainbow filly pony :D https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=1075&q=filly rainbow dahs&oq=filly rainbow dahs&gs_l=img.3...395.3019.0.3244. rainbow dash&oq=filly rainbow dash&gs_l=img.3..0l9j0i5.1336.2791.0.3044.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48293060,d.aWc&fp=f5bbc72378bf866f&biw=1920&bih=1075&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=fLILej7L2ZWRlM:;GPnvPkHqaBXfOM;http%3A%2F%2Ffc08.deviantart.net%2Ffs71%2Ff%2F2011%2F299%2F7%2Fa%2Ffilly_rainbow_dash_by_daviez20-d4e0gsb.png;http%3A%2F%2Fmrdaviez.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FFilly-Rainbow-Dash-265401083;846;676
    [MEDIA=imgur]bBepcFh[/MEDIA] I can do anything
  10. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.   
    Now now, let's all stop fighting, stop being gay, and eat more ramen..!
  11. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in This Clan Is Shit   
    This happens often with some staff members. I'm not sure if they gag themselves, or try to bypass it, or anything like that..

    This has only happened once by what i know (@@Hellafun13 ). I've never seen it abused excessively.

    If this is during LCT then yes, they should know by the MOTD given to them when they first join the server to not camp during certain times/in certain places.
    But it depends on when/where he's camping.

    This is just sometimes used as a joke. If you seriously take offense to us doing that, well. GL handling everything else this clan has to offer. We just get mad every once and a while and/or just wanna joke around because we died.

    Admins should do what is right in situations, but sometimes they leave it up to the spammer to pass it themselves, or the admins will do it. (Idk how that helps, but it sometimes goes like that..)
    But i'm not trying to start fights from this, So if you disagree, just do whatever, and yolo.
    Eat more ramen!
  12. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in This Clan Is Shit   
    We aren't perfect, We like to watch games (speccing a person who's involved in a day) and not check for afks/rule breakers/etc. We can't do stuff just cause you said "(name) freekilled me#!@#!". We sometimes get carried away looking at games. (Doesn't mean we won't do our job, just means give us time to do it. A little notification will help but you don't need to constantly shout at us, We have to chat with each other/the person suspected of breaking a rule)
  13. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in JB NEW DAY IDEA   
    Atleast it's a "Hide and Seek" kind of day that likely won't be ruined from team vs. team shootouts during the middle of the round.
  14. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Troubleshoot Tagging Thread of Uber Spamming +5   
    Is that what you do for the MOTD edits?
    If you copy+pasted all of our names in the MOTD edit thread, then i got it.
  15. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I really dislike people who say these kinds of things.
  16. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    2 freekills.. Is it just 1 day?
  17. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He said he didn't hear gkoo say go.
    If it's just 1 day then -1. Wait it out.
    If it's longer, i'm not voting.
  18. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Rarely happens.
    We don't fuck up as often/bad as you.
    We mostly try to listen up to orders instead of dozing off, NOT understanding orders, and actually being (insert insult here) enough to shoot anybody for it.
  19. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in JayBreezy - Left 4 Dead 2   
    Seems legit.
  20. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You're still making fun of me, just being subtle about it, but that's alright I suppose. I also tell you very often to do your job or I will report you, this is the first time I actually went through with it. Never posted a rage thread before in my entirety of this clan.
  21. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in HiddenInsanity - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You have to wait a while, See what the higher ups think, Possibly (hardly) what we think.
    Plus it's quite late.
  22. Smelly
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Admin Activity   
    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.
    You sure act like a kid sometimes, getting mad at admins doing their job.
    I wasn't tabbed out this time. I was watching. You had not announced you were rebel hunting. You told the other CT to watch the Ts, then left to rebel hunt. Even IF I do tab out, I have it set so I can still hear in game sounds when minimized. CS:S is always in Windowed mode so I can get back easily either way.
    Stop with the kid shit, goddamn get over your old age fucker. Forget about the slay i don't care about it.
  23. Bad Spelling
    TheKingBaby got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Admin Activity   
    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.
  24. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Im leaving xG // D:   
    Didn't get mod, quitting.

    Once "break" is over, re-applies for member.
    Anyway, cya :p
  25. F!$k Off
    TheKingBaby reacted to Tsuchikure in Im leaving xG // D:   
    ily gkoo, but nah not now.
    Too lazy to donate.
    I mean wut.