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Posts posted by Drewvpopc

    • In-Game Name
    • Division
    • Previous Member
    • Identity
    • Age
    • Previously Banned
    • Time Active on Servers
      over a day
    • Reason for Joining

      WELLLLLLLLL lets just put it this way, years ago i was interested in this group because of how tight nit everyone was. I was so desperate i lied about my age when i was a youngling. I have sense aged and have become alot more mature, anddddd i would love to try this whole member thing again

  1. no. we unbanned LQ on a one chance basis. one time, one person. not everyone gets unbanned.

    how many times has LQ been banned? damn someone in this clan learn how to count.....purple needs to more then any of you


    +1 everyone i have talked to said he is a good guy and everyone gets a 2nt chance LQ got a ton

  2. ye hub/store

    can we all agree and stop making similar threads?

    plus i think people get bored from jail, look, half of the staff playing garry's mod or other games that they got from summer sale

    so just give it a time.

    well who is going to put in the hub and store

  3. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    In-Game Name:

    The Slender Man

    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    i would like to join xeno gamers for the fallowing reasons

    -never get frustreted for any reason

    -take warden if there is none

    -try not to brake the rules

    -if i do brake a rule i do what ever i can to fix it




    -i did hit puberty so i do have a fue voice cracks

    -cant be on alot because i have limmeted internet (wont last long will be back)


    i know i have fuck up before but you wont be disapointed that you let me in

  4. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    In-Game Name:

    The Slender Man

    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    im a leget player try not to brake the rules if i do i will fix that mistake im a forgiveing warden and never get frustrated


    I know my last forms sayed i was 13 but im a fast typer anf forget about the forms and my number keys were fucked up and i bought a new keybord to fix that

  5. Most common and frequent order that ends up with the most freekills is this:


    "When cell doors open, take a step out and afk freeze. Do this by 'X amount of time'"

    (X amount of time goes by)

    "Okay, kill anyone who is facing cells."

    (CTs get CT banned/slain left, right and centre for freekilling)


    Problem being, ass-hat didn't specify a direction. :bucktooth:

    trust me not the first time