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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Britt

  1. Daughter is good, she just turned 3 in December. I am on Steam like everyday. You probably don't have me added!
  2. Oh Forest, what fun would it be if I didn't make your live difficult. ;)
  3. Thanks, I expect to see a lot of faces in Teamspeak and in game. :)
  4. Yup, it's me..in the flesh! How is everyone?
  5. I have met you and you were really nice to me. :) And wrong, you thought you read me by voice, but you were wrong. I'm hard to read though, as most females are, right? Lol Anyways, I'm glad I convinced you to finally sign up for the forums. Now, go get a microphone!!
  6. EDIT: Let the record state that I am older than you, kid. ;)
  7. ur just asking to be banned arent u kid? lel Answer the question. Lol :P People are curious, I'm just the only one that would ask. ;)
  8. What kind of pokemon is Tiffy? LOL. :) This seriously cracks me up every single time I watch it. I'm lame. Haha
  9. Britt


    I have never met you, but nonetheless good for you to be back and playing. 2 months without gaming?!:eek:
  10. Britt


    Once again, thank you. And I'm pretty sure I played JB with you earlier today. I don't tend to stay long before raging quitting over being free killed or some sucky judgement the CT(s) make. Lol
  11. This is SPOT on for a lot of females. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6dDQ129UM
  12. Sorry, but this picture made me laugh. ;)
  13. Britt


    No need to put down the Gmod servers, just means they need extra attention to get back to where they were! And yeah I play everything except Minecraft. I'm on at weird times though so when I check the servers little to no people are on. :(
  14. Just an outside opinion. This is all stupid. Lol Charrax did what he did and regardless of how the leader/co-leader (whoever) choose to handle it by banning Charrax or the entire GG clan or friends of GG..WHATEVER. It is his/their choice. And while people may be unhappy about it right now, it's how he/they want to deal with it at the time (whatever he/they end up deciding). Claiming you have dealt with Charrax on your end while he continues to IM people and make himself look like a complete moron really doesn't make it seem like it has been dealt with. It seems to me that the choices made were made because it was to protect the servers from further damage..hacking, ddosing, whatever the case is, because at the end of the day no one knows who is close to Charrax from GG and who would do things for him to try to bring xG down. Give things time to cool down and let the dust settle before running in, stirring it up, and wanting to be unbanned, maybe he/they will have a change of heart, but by involving and entire clan and forum community on an issue of one of your idiotic members probably won't make it go any faster.. Don't take any offense to my post, I do mean it in the nicest way possible. #PlayingMamaBear. #EndRant.
  15. Britt


    I'm not going to judge you or put you down for the things you like. That would be unfair. To me, it's like adults/guys watching animes/cartoons, just a different form of it. I listen to guys bash me enough for liking games and cars. Lol And I believe it's now Kirito's sex party! Anyways, thank you and I'm sure we will run into each other soon or later.
  16. Britt


    I met everyone today. I'm a friendly person. Haha Lol you suck at spy/sniper..blah..it's completely pointless..blah..no muscles..blah..I love engie!
  17. Britt


    I spoke in a private channel to someone trying to help me. Going through Steam/Steam Apps/etc. Recently, Steam made a change of the HL2E (Half Life 2 Engine games) and it is no longer located through your user folder. It is located in the Common folder which is where I went to locate it and I only found the pre-installed maps. So I'm not really sure. Lol Maps - GAMEBANANA Just download the maps the server is on and put it in the folder with the pre-installed maps. And you're done : p I downloaded it, to only realize my winzip is expired! Then I got to lazy to even bother. Haha, but thanks anyways. :)
  18. Britt


    Try downloading that map off of gamebanana then dropping it in your maps folder. I spoke in a private channel to someone trying to help me. He was going to have me delete the old map, although I'm not even sure I have played that map. Going through Steam/Steam Apps/etc. Recently, Steam made a change of the HL2E (Half Life 2 Engine games) and it is no longer located through your user folder. It is located in the Common folder which is where I went to locate it and I only found the pre-installed maps. So I'm not really sure. Lol
  19. Britt


    I'm actually in Teamspeak now if anyone wants to get on. And I would get on JB, but it's some dumb missing map error. So I'm waiting for the map to change. Thanks again and I look forward to meeting new people.
  20. Britt


    Well thank you! I hope to find it more enjoyable than the previous clans/communities. Lol
  21. Britt


    Hey, I'm L0VE. I'm 21, been playing since 2003. I have a daughter. I recently left my job in a nursing facility and started working in a pharmacy. I play CS:S, CS:GO, TF2, and GMod. I previously hung around with HG and GFL. I didn't quite find my little "nitch" playing there and I came across this server.