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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Look At My Creation   
    Holy steaming pantload I had to get Professional help to figure out if the last one was a photo of Lebron James or not
  2. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Iceslice - Mmo   
    +1 very disrespect, much bm
  3. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in My Drawings :3   
    That's darth vader right?
    I'm kidding.
  4. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Omar99   
    ehhh.... You overreact a little bit too much and sometimes you let your emotions control you. Not that familiar with rules. 0 for now
  5. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Youtube Poop.   
    I used to watch YouTube poop all the time. There are a lot of memes that come from it, like MAMA LUIGI and I wonder what's for dinner?
  6. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Kittylicious   
    Happy B-Day. Very active on forums +1
    A 9
    M 7
  7. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Shit:a Piece By Afrinigglet   
    The Epic Trilogy.
  8. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Gugomo   
    Yes! I have played with this guy many times on Saxton hale, very polite +1
    M 9/10
    A 7/10
  9. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Pop Saxton Day   
    What the hell? Rarely staff members on? I go on every day for at least an hour. I enjoy chilling and talking with the people there. I know the regulars on there, and they recognize me. Kbraszzz has been active on Saxton recently as well. I feel like this thread wasn't necessary.
  10. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Pop Saxton Day   
    Even though it isn't needed (in my opinion anyway) I have nothing against a pop Saxton day.
  11. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Adios Mis Amigos   
    rip in peace.
  12. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Professional Killstreak Strange Festive Flame Thrower   
    4.33 ref for the flamethrower
  13. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Jailbreak   
    play on red and its HARD to break server rules, lel. Most of the things you can do as red just makes you a rebel
  14. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in History Behind Your Ign   
    Alright boiz. My last name starts with barm, (not giving out full name), and in elementary school my best friend gave me the nickname Barmithian. Fast forward into sixth grade. My friend moved away (rip) and I started getting into online sites that use accounts. I thought of what name I should use. Then I remembered the name Barmithian. Its sort of a way I remember my best friend in elementary school that moved away. And ever since then I used Barmithian for every single account name. This name is unique and meaningful to me so thats why I use it and like it :)
  15. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Fink's Jb Tips   
    Have to agree with 2, 12, 13, 15, 17. People make me SO HAPPY when they do those things. Also I suggest you add this to your list of amazing tips for jb: As warden make the reds wasd freeze in fall game so it's no different from nine square and revolves around luck
  16. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Matthewbt   
    +1 Applied a year ago and he still wants to get in. Mature and willing to admit he made mistakes
    A: 7
    M: 8
  17. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in I Make Sprays, Opinions?   
    The sprays are really good, I think I might use the derp scout one :P
  18. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in New.exe   
    We joke around and harass each other. No hard feelings (for the most part)
  19. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in New Name?   
    ehhhh. Nah. It's hard for other people to get used to new names after calling someone one for a while
  20. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in More Help For Pocket Monsters Emerald   
    im telling him over teamspeak
  21. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in More Help For Pocket Monsters Emerald   
    he is a scrub who didn't play pokemon during his childhood
  22. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Broken Servers   
    Olawd. It's chaos
  23. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Broken Servers   
    Mainly because in tf2 jb, you need lots of plugins to prevent things like spy cloaking and disguising, demoman charging, also some of the weapons are broken in jailbreak so you have to take them out as well.
  24. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Team   
    Top- Onlyplaymeyasuo Wood 17.
    Add me if you think you are worthy of my skills.
    Honor pls.
  25. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Fantasy League   
    I never really got into these fantasy league things but I can try it