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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Cya Nerdz   
    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that on Sunday the 29th I am leaving to go work community service at a camp until Saturday the 5th. I CHOSE TO DO THIS I HAVENT DONE ANY CRIMES (LOL). This means I cant be on at all during that time. I also might not be able to be on from the 27th (Thursday) until then because I am moving and the computer will not be set up yet. Hopefully by next Saturday I will be back online to play League, TF2, BGO and other games with you all. Bye
  2. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Cya Nerdz   
    Its a religious workcamp :C
  3. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Tf2 Pug Thread   
    Uhh I'm not gonna be able to play TF2 until the 5th but if it is after that I would be glad to participate @ThanatosTelos
  4. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Tf2 Pug Thread   
    Dang it telos, I never said I wanted to play sniper but I guess it's ok. Huntsman only 4 lyfe. If someone really wants to play sniper I will play demo man instead.
  5. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Nope.avi   
    +1 Kbras will demote me if I don't (active, good addition)
    A: 8/10
    M: 7/10
  6. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Killstreaks   
  7. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Goodbye   
    love u voly bb
  8. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Add Me Plz   
  9. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Add Me   
    I wish I could be as good as you
  10. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in No Crits On Xg Servers   
    -1 keep crits. Btw I'm pretty sure a no crits server only refers to random crits. Crit a cola and all that shizz still works
  11. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Porkymix   
    +1 pretty active on the servers. Good person
    A: 7/10
    M: 6/10
  12. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Origins.   
    I have heard him laugh sometimes on teamspeak
  13. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Hub Is Ruining Tgh   
  14. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Going Away   
    whoo r u
  15. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    TF2 is supposed to be a funny game. Random crits are an important part of jb in particular because it gives the rebellers a fighting chance. If you don't want to get random Crit, don't let them get close to you. That's why pyro is such a strong class for guards. You have so much crowd control. The axetinguisher was also a very good item until they nerfed it. Anyways, if you don't like random crits, find a different jb server. -1
  16. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Some Games That Are Great To Play With Friends (which I Want To Do) But Nobody On My Fl Has Them   
    Mario party, Transformice, Castle Crashers. I know some people who can play these games, but no one wants to :C
  17. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Help...   
    if you don't know how draft pick works, play a normal draft pick game
  18. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in The Real Princess   
    WTF? Did everyone forget about @kbraszzz ? It's in his dang title
  19. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Gugomo   
    +1 a good guy who has played for a while. he is also on Hachi's domain™
    A: 7.5/10
    M: 8/10
  20. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Its Almost Time   
  21. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Chickenpanda   
    +1 uhh, he never seemed like a bad guy in my eyes
    A: 4/10
    M: 8/10
  22. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Is Sven A Mature/active Member Of Jb1?   
    Well, I actually ended up there by accident when telos invited me to a game, but all I did was spam Lenny face. I didn't call them fags or anything.
  23. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in --   
    He's partially right, although I don't think gwoash would have been placed against gold or plat, just high silvers
  24. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Thunder   
  25. Salty
    Bach reacted to Barmithian in Something Needs To Change With Tgh Restarts.   
    Lel. When mine cart was jb default everyone thought the map was cancer because we were on it so much since the server kept crashing. Honestly mate, I'd just deal with it.