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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Moosty   
    I really dislike how he acts sometimes on our servers -1
    A: 8/10
    M: 4/10
  2. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Ratings Game   
    Wise one once told my family: Raise thy dongers
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Gorillabot3000 - Team Fortress 2   
    Getting my popcorn ready to see this. Tagging people on trade gaming so maybe they can shed some light. @Maymalays @Huster_Salvador @BonfireCentipede
  4. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Movies   
    :hail::hail::hail:All hail shrek:hail::hail::hail:
  5. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Adamstoe875448   
    +1 BOUT TIME we get some more xG members that are on teamspeak. More than half of xG in TF2 never goes on teamspeak.
  6. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Adamstoe875448   
  7. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in I Clicked A Phising Link Accidently :(   
    ur done kid. RIP Fink 2014
    You'll be fine
  8. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in No Matter What A Stripper Tells You....   
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    Lol. I hate when African goes demo because I can hardly ever kill him. 2gud4me
  10. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Brb   
  11. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Trade Server Map Idea   
    Meezel if you don't stop talking about Banjo-Kazooie I will pop you in the face.
    No but seriously, this seems nice. Its always fun to have new maps. Only problem is its not easy to get new maps
  12. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Moderators   
    Saxton: remove homing balls > so much more people will play
  13. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Frank   
    Crap, im late. Anyways +1 +1 +1 GET THIS MAN IN HERE NOW
    A: 9/10
    M: 10/10
  14. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Goodbye All   
    Good luck in life.
  15. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Solomofo   
    +1 called people in tf2 fegs
  16. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in The Dream....   
    do it for the skin
  17. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in This Is Goodbye   
    So sad. We will all miss you
  18. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    People who random trade piss me off also
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Feraligatr   
    +1 known well on the servers, and not in a bad way either
    M: 7/10
    A: 7/10
  20. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Pokemon Trade Server Raffle!   
    Won't be home in time, rip
  21. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in [xg:m] Admiral Samit - Team Fortress 2   
    I haven't seen Samit on recently, but in the past he spammed bosses and slap when he shouldn't have.
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    I go on a jump server. The map is for demoman so I get demo with loose cannon and sticky jumper. I start playing and in the chat somebody asks what jump we are all on. I say 6 or whichever one I was on. Then I get called a cheater for using the loose cannon because it "requires no skill" and is "a disgrace to all jumpers". Then they began to brag about being the best jumpers and are so much better than me. Why are they trying so hard in something that isn't even meant to be competitive? It pisses me off because part of the point the loose cannon was made so you could have a reliable way to jump with a primary. The funniest part was the admin agreed with them and also insulted people who did that. He was even going to kick/ban people who used it. It doesn't even affect them, so they shouldn't care.
  23. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Boswer_jr   
    +1 mature, knows rules etc
    M: 6.9999999999/10
    A: 7/10
  24. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Banginonatrashcan   
    Shown signs of improvement
    A: 8/10
    M: 7/10
  25. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Gamey1411   
    Pretty chill, see him most of the time when I am on the trade gaming server
    A: 8/10
    M: 8/10