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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Summer!   
    I go to the beach every summer. I will still be playin tf2 and hopefully getting platinum again on league
  2. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Penguin's 0-6 Dank Meme Thread   
    this thread is possibly the greatest thread ive seen in a year
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Another thing, the fact that you took a picture of Adam stoe and made it as your spray further supports the point that you are trying to get back at him for him making a ban request against you
  4. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Vivid Plasma Football Helmet   
    If you want this closed you should tag @kbraszzz or any TF2 DM/DL (Currently we only have Kbrasszle and Nomulous)
  5. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in What Do You Guys Think Of A Surfing Server?   
    I always liked surfing in source games. I would play on the server, don't know about anyone else
  6. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Lol, what the hell? What does uncrating or anime have to do with this? I don't know why you are bringing this up, especially when uncrating 10 unusuals is HIGHLY unlikely and it is almost certain you are lying.
  7. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Chibilovemangos   
    +1 kind person
    A: 7/10
    M: 9/10
  8. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    idk what xG was like when you were here because I'm a newfeg, but you have a good point. I do think that John Madden shouldn't have banned for as long as he did, but just to make a point: Adamstoe asked that it be removed due to privacy and qwerty was warned but he kept it on. IMO that deserves punishment, just not as harsh as it was
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Server: Slender Fortress
    Bug/Suggestion: Bug
    The Special Round of "Double players" does not add extra people to the team. Nothing happens
  10. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm going to take back my +1 for extension but my -1 for unban still stands
  11. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Hi Again   
  12. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Banginonatrashcan   
    From what I have seen, he can be very immature and rude at times. -1 for now, unless you show me you can be better
    A: 8/10
    M: 4/10
  13. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Unusual Cockfighter   
    \(o3o)/ Raise your cockfighters \(o3o)/
  14. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Gamey1411   
    Pretty chill, see him most of the time when I am on the trade gaming server
    A: 8/10
    M: 8/10
  15. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in New Staff   
    I agree with kitty, we are not the ones deciding who gets promo'ed. It's better just to wait and see every two weeks. If you feel you should be promoted, just do your best and be active on ts, forums, and servers.
  16. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Scraftyguy   
    +1 good addition
    A: 6.5/10
    M: 7/10
  17. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Whats Your Favorite Class?   
    Pyro is definitely the strongest class in the game. I love the huntsman a ton, but not really other sniper weapons so I can't really say he is my favorite class. Scout is probably my favorite class
  18. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Banginonatrashcan   
    Shown signs of improvement
    A: 8/10
    M: 7/10
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Bye.   
    bye gub :(
  20. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Boswer_jr   
    +1 mature, knows rules etc
    M: 6.9999999999/10
    A: 7/10
  21. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Steppin Daown. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Rage Thread   
    I go on a jump server. The map is for demoman so I get demo with loose cannon and sticky jumper. I start playing and in the chat somebody asks what jump we are all on. I say 6 or whichever one I was on. Then I get called a cheater for using the loose cannon because it "requires no skill" and is "a disgrace to all jumpers". Then they began to brag about being the best jumpers and are so much better than me. Why are they trying so hard in something that isn't even meant to be competitive? It pisses me off because part of the point the loose cannon was made so you could have a reliable way to jump with a primary. The funniest part was the admin agreed with them and also insulted people who did that. He was even going to kick/ban people who used it. It doesn't even affect them, so they shouldn't care.
  23. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Cool New Ideas For Gamemodes   
    How do people forget that wario ware is best server
  24. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in What Just Happened To The Website?   
    Idk it's spooky
  25. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in The New Repeat Rule   
    thank you so much. pissed off at all the people who slip in repeat when people spam the chat about what they want to do for the day and then call it a freeday because warden didn't repeat