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Everything posted by Seanman

  1. Yeah I guess the other servers have alot of problems too.
  2. So whats the situation on the points glitch?
  3. Yeah I do pretty good even with the bonk peoples just need to learn strats.
  4. Really last November. Mods should have dealt with something such as this a long time ago. I've seen so many mods say "Oh were going to fix it just hold on a bit" and they never actually do anything to fix it. щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
  5. All that I'm going to say about Saxton hale is that Bonk should be removed or nerfed in some way and that the point system is buggy as shit.
  6. You have got to be kidding me.
  7. No its not just restarting the map but its changing it to. You can't even change to a different hale map without losing points and perks. I've searched through this entire forum and this has been going on for a while. Pls fix.
  8. Yeah I guess it needs to be nerfed. Its to easy to be a scout and camp at the other end of the map.
  9. I think it happens when a map the changes. My advice is leaving then Yeah I think it happens when the map changes. My advice is quitting at the end of the match and then coming back in like two minutes later. But yeah it still needs to be patched.
  10. Insane I get homing bonked all the bloody time and I still do fine. P.S. That was quite a reaction. And I guess it does get annoying after a while.
  11. Sever: Tf2 vs. Saxton Hale Suggestion/ Could be a glitch Bring back points for damage or fix the glitch. It's what made this server so addicting.
  12. Server: Tf2 vs. Saxton hale Bug: Reset glitch After playing for a while this glitch has yet to be fixed. Its really annoying when you buy things Hyper Heavy or Homing Arrows and then boom 215 points worth of stuff gone. It makes people like me want to leave servers.
  13. Post glitches that you find on any of the servers whether it be Death run or Saxton Hale post it on here.
  14. Also the homing bonk is fine by me. It adds more difficulty to being hale.
  15. I think that they should make another sever for PvP/MvM with the same upgrade system.
  16. I've been on the Saxton Hale sever for quite some time and there used to be 1 point for about 500 damage. What happened to that? That is what made the game so addicting for me. Just want to know why it went it way.
  17. When ever my laptop gets unplugged It goes to black and I have to restart my computer...Its so infuriating.
  18. I see that there's no points for damage, no points at all right now, and no Saxton hale. I don't know if all of the updates caused it or if something about it has already been posted. :D Have a nice day.