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Status Updates posted by SloppierKitty7

  1. how do i use the interwebs
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tomahawk


      well shit what a nice stalemate
    3. SloppierKitty7


      the meme's i need them pls help pls
    4. Tomahawk


      They left you forever... They don't love you... Step up ur dank son
  2. https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11373747_809241945839827_2115114731_n.jpg
    1. Goblins


      Pretty dank, brah
  3. Diamonde is living in Jpie's bathroom that must be bad
  4. need you to go to the shops and get me some tik taks i'm pay you back pls i need them i know i'm in debt but pls i will give you my left kidney pls