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Posts posted by Noose.

  1. Jesus I get it. I'm being a bit too hostile because I don't really understand what is even happening anymore. I 'm starting to feel attacked and kinda picked on. seriously. And also I'm trying to fix my attitude.

  2. I admit I said those things. And you've said bad stuff too. Why'd you have to randomly put this onto the conversation when it has to do nothing with the topic. I was gonna be done with this and just accept my ban but you have to continue it?

  3. First of all. I don't say slurs. In fact, I discourage them and tell people not to use them. And jump off a cliff can mean everything. And also, I don't remember you ever really warning me for telling people to kill themselves or anything like that. I just don't like when people automatically jump to conclusions like this. Sorry, and I'm trying to be as mature as possible, but I just feel kinda just randomly banned. Also I forgot to bring this up. I'm listed for "trolling" when I never did at that time.

  4. Is calling people a noob an insult now. Like wow. And last time I checked, no rule against swearing. Look I want this to be short and quick. I don't think I disagreed to you at all, and that I can't say anything bad thing is merely a joke. I would of just liked a warning or maybe not just a whole day ban without any contact to me. But I see where you are coming from.

  5. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:


    Ban Type:

    Server Ban


    Well, this is only a day ban from the xG Mod SnowyBuns. I don't even care if I get unbanned, I'm just pissed off. I've been on xG servers for about a year now and this is my first time being banned. I haven't seen any proof of the things that "I did" such as, and this is the one that makes me mad, refusing to listen to staff. I have always listened to staff, and sure, I've made mistakes in life and on xG, but this is stupid. Also, snowy gave me 0 warning of a ban and never did kick me, gag me, or anything like that. Give me proof that I did these things and I'll accept them. But until then, I think I should be unremoved because of the lack of proof and warnings. (On a side note, I just want to point out the amount of bans made by snowy today. Sure all the others are on surf, while I was banned on TGH, but it's just amusing to me.)