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Everything posted by Brunovision

  1. I Is there any possible way to get un perm because I do not recall anything happening and have not been banned recently.. I've did my time and still are active on the server instead of hitting the server and leaving
  2. Br Your statement is valid but there is no evidence whatsoever, and I have not done anything wrong within my time in this server.. In my latest days online
  3. Why am I still ct banned
    1. Thorax_


      It appears that you were Permanently CT banned in June for Mass Freekilling. https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=teambanlist&advSearch=Brunovision&advType=name
  4. I do not remember massing, it has to be a mistake. It was probably a war day. Is there any evidence?
  5. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: Brunovision Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:53482867 Ban Type: Team Ban Information: I was ct banned for a simple freekill mistake a loooong time ago. I feel a perma ban was unecissary and my break from ct was too long. Could I get a second chance at being a ct? Ps: I have not been a ct since 2015 or early 2016 when I first joined.