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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. Hey guys! I've been coming on the jailbreak server for some time now it's pretty fun. All the xg members I've encountered so far are pretty funny/cool, so I figured I'd come check out the community. I've lurked around for a bit and came across the thought of possibly joining up with you guys . So ya guys tell me what you think about me joining xg.
  2. i like xG alot i have been playing on it for a while. i enjoy the server and how it is ran and the staff is very polite Thank you, Eden
  3. Hello, My name is Peter. In game name LemonDuckii. <3. I have been playing xG for a long time. I have never submit ed or made a account. I just made one maybe a while ago. I am 15, And I am a nice player. Never Curse or get in fights. I would like to become a xG member. I will be kind, And do whatever Admins, Mods, Etc. Ask me, As well as players. Thank you.
  4. Hey im Ninja, im a great sniper in cs go and tf2 as well as beinga great spy. im use to the game battles and matches. i can also be an admin on servers if needed. im an experienced admin on servers aswell as being an experienced moderator in forums and on twitch.tv streams.
  5. a +1 would be very appreciated
  6. I believe that I should join xG because I think that if I were to be part of this group I can become a great addition to an already great group. I am a very respectful person and will treat admins and other members with that respect. I also have played so much on the xG servers that I am familiar with the majority of people who play as well. There is no doubt in my mind that if you select me to be in xG there will be nothing but good things occurring with my presence on the servers. Please take this into consideration and I hope to game with you in the future! Best Regards, Judge Dredd
  7. My app, please +1. If you hate my guts, leave. :D
  8. Member Name: HenryTBag In-Game Name: Henry T. Bag [420] Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42365550 Age: 17 Game Time: css:5-6 yrs : minecraft : 1 yr Game / Server: [xG]Slide Helpful Skills: I have good leadership skills, I am respectful and know how to play matches, scrims .... etc
  9. I want to join xG because ive played on their TF2 servers for a long time and all of my steam friends are in xG and hopefully next time my friends see me ill have the xG tag in my name. :) I will also help someone with a problem if I know how to fix it
  10. Hey xG, I've been on your CS:S jailbreak server for quite a while now, and I'm actually impressed by it. I've been on there for quite a bit so I decided to apply. I have been known to screw up in the past, and I apologize for that and I have tried to always make up for my mistakes. I know my age is something that might discourage you, but I would certainly appreciate anyone able to look past that. So yeah, I hope that you guys accept me. Thanks!
  11. Hopefully I get accepted into xG! I can't wait. Thanks! -Jaritar
  12. I hope i get in xG I love xG servers Jail Break Surf Minigames and others i have been playing on xG minecraft servers recently too i hope to get in i appreciate whatever i get
  13. I think I'm worthy enough to be in xG, not may people may know me that well. But I have been spend alot of time on the CSS surf server. I am not annoying, I treat all players with respect. I am not annoying, very much more mature for my age. I have had CSS for many years, but have jsut recently started playing again now. But please, accept me into XG, if not then thats okay. I do know the rules for xg. Thank y'all for looking at my request.
  14. I'd love to be a member of xG; I really enjoy playing the Jailbreak server anytime I get the chance. I've been playing it constantly the past 2-3 days and I adore the playerbase, much better than the GMod Jailbreak servers I've played swarmed with children yelling into their mics as Warden.. Even though xG isn't all about Jailbreak, I'll most certainly be playing many more of the game modes in the future. But, Jailbreak has me by the balls.
  15. I really want to join xG because I always play on your servers and they are really fun. :encouragement:
  16. This server is fun to play on and i have been playing for a while now
  17. More about myself. I am a Post Production Specialist for a video production company that works almost exclusively with non profit organizations and businesses. I am currently working from home and in my down time (most of my time) I enjoy playing Minecraft. I first joined one of the XG servers just to start a town with some friends. The XG servers have been so awesome (been on for just over 3 weeks now) I hope they continue to stay awesome. My experience on the server has been so great I decided I should finally apply to the clan that hosts them. I hope I make it into the XG community and get to continue playing on the servers as an XG gamer.
  18. Ive been playing on jailbreak for CS:GO and im having a blast! I really love this community and would love to be accepted into it!
  19. Hey guys, I've been playing on XenoGamers for a while, and I've finally decided to apply. I mostly play CS:S Jailbreak. I hope you accept me into xG. Also please don't get discouraged by my age :S Cheers, Maverick2909
  20. The biggest reason I'd like to join XenoGamers is to be able to play on the XenoGamers servers. They seem very like very clean and professional servers and that's what I'm looking for.
  21. I'd don't know exactly what I'm suppost to type here so I'm just going to support my appeal for membership status. --- I've been a gamer for a while now and haven't found a orginized; sited gaming group. I walked into Xeno Gamers about 4 months ago on CSS and just played there for a while and am coming back now for CS:GO. Thanks!
  22. Anyone interested in Pooperism for admin?
  23. I've been a member of the XenoGamers steam community for some time now and figured I might as well pay tribute by signing a terms of service agreement to give my life away. May it help offset server costs, please be gentle when placing me atop your geothermal server farm. I'll be contributing through graphics work, generating luls and would like to give back to the community as a member instead of visiting your servers as a guest.
  24. Hi, I was wondering if i could join xG because ever since i got counter strike and found out about them i thought they were one of the coolest clans in counter strike, i am 16 and never annoying i am a very calm and helpful person, my dream for counter strike is to be able to play on xG it will be great with me on the team because i am always in a good mood. -TheShiloh32