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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. hello,xeno gamers.I would like to join your your clan because it is the best one out there to me.Alot of them are very bad at playing games especially counter strike source.I like to play counter strike source and team fortress 2.I play on your jail break server all the time.I am searching for a gun game server of yours but not yet found it.I'm on about 12 hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and on weekdays about 4 hours.I use a gaming PC and i have a headset/mic.I don't have any mods of any kind.Thanks for reading.
  2. I really want to be in xg I was referred by topaz +1 everyone!!!
  3. Hello everyone! I'm Zrined. I mostly hang out on the Jailbreak server, and occasionally the surf server, though I found XenoGamers through the Jailbreak one, I got CSS in December and have been playing it basically non-stop since, I feel that I've gotten rather good, and since I started playing, I've become better at games such as TF2. Anyway, I've never been in a clan prior to this and I do hope the wonderful people at XG will have me. Thanks!
  4. :surprise::surprise::highly_amused::adoration::butterfly:
  5. Hey everyone its Kasteli from the jailbreak server and i want to make this short and sweet: i play on here a ton (only server i play on) and i would love to be part of [xG], which is such a good community, +1's would be appreciated have a good one, KASTELI
  6. I dont know if Rain already told you: I'm mapping very much. And my new map is called jb_prototype. This Map will be released for xenogamers server. Maybe u could talk with Rain ;) BTW sry for some of my faults, i'm german^^
  7. Please let me be in xg i am not anoying and most people think im cool.
  8. Yea i wanna join. Im a Juggalo Techn9cian Brony. I Masterbate Frequntly And Im Good At Rebeling
  9. Sup. I'd Like to join xG, I'm a pretty easy-going guy. Thanks. Trollface.
  10. I know I fucked up a couple months back. Leaving the clan was really stupid. For those who have seen in my servers lately I follow the rules, stop raging, and am slayed when I do wrong. I have been trying to improve the way i play so everyone is satisfied and has fun. Im Sakurai version 2.0 and I want to be back in xG. Quite honestly I hope you guys have seen how I have changed. Please no personal remarks towards me, keep this clean :eagerness:
  11. Your in-game name: Snail Your real name: (Leave blank if you truly wish to not reveal this.) Age: 17 The game you are applying from (TF2 or CSS): Css Your game time currently: CSS: 1346 hours TF2: 29 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: I have a shell
  12. Ive been playing on Xg RPG surf, jail break , and mini games for a total of 380 hours now and i thought i would apply.
  13. I Would like to join xg because i've played for a long time on the jailbreak CSS server and loved it. i usually like the xG members i met and want to be a part of it.
  14. i like everyone i play with unless there super annoying :tiger:
  15. I have been playing RPG surf for a while and i have seen your clan coming more and more. So there i was talking to them so i told my self... '' there not fucking idiots and they know how to talk to people ''. So i decided to send an application to you guys and do the same. I hope you will accepted my application and hope to play with you guys shortly. thanks you edit - I made a mistake, i have been playing 16:21:58 hours edit 2 - have gen playing for 1 days 06:07:53 hours
  16. I want to join xG. i been playing your severs now. I would love to join :D
  17. im all ready a donator to your servers ty goodbye.:jaded:
  18. I want to join, the last thread i posted was closed for no reason The Post Thread Link is Here -> CloudTruong
  19. I learned in one of the servers of XenoGaming that i can try to be a part of xG, from "iraq, got a problem" he said that i can try to join. I enter the saxton hale servers a lot. I'm very active too. Sometimes when an admin isn't in the saxton hale server, saxton starts idling, or people try to capture the point, if i do become a part of xG, i'll try my hardest to bring an end to those type of people. I promise not to use my admin powers to bring chaos to xG. Thank you for Reading and understanding my letter to xG :topsy_turvy:
  20. Helpful Skills: I was here before and was a very active mature player who was almost always in top 10 for jailbreak. I still am a very mature player who is going to become more active. My forte is the jailbreak server and I seek to be in the top 10 again. I am a lovable person and may be a little shy at first, but once you get to know me you will want me to shut-up. Epic fail ....
  21. hello xG i have played allot in the jailbreak server and now that i have over 150 hours of gameplay i would like to apply for xG
  22. I play on the jailbreak server mostly, but I'll occasionally hop onto the mini-game, bunnyhop and surf servers. Like I said, about 2 years ago I pretty much non-stop played jailbreak and surf on the rG (Raged Gamers) servers. They're now shut down as I noticed when I recently came back, and I figured I had a ton of fun in that community, why not try out another?
  23. Not really sure what else to say :/ Edit: I have run gaming forums before ... along with 3 CS:S servers and 2 MC servers.
  24. derp derp derp derp derp (i dont face palm i take ot to the desk) *FACEDESK!