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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. I appreciate the chance to join your community. So far it seems to have a lot of mature players in it.
  2. I've been coming to the jailbreak and Minigames servers for about a year now, at first it was just casual but as I've gotten used to the community and made some friends I've felt that I should try to get put into the official clan as well.
  3. i really like jailbreak its my favourite server on css sunnymuffinz is my bros :)
  4. MAN i realy want to join i will be a great member ill do watever it takes to be better then i am so if i can plz let me in :D:miserable:
  5. im all ready a donator to your servers ty goodbye.:jaded:
  6. I know i'm 14, but i'm far from having a really annoying voice. Chill player, just here to have fun. :)
  7. Hi i'm Skitzo and i would like to join XG feel free to +1 :D
  8. I know i'm 14, but i'm not annoying at all. I had past experiences with admin/moderator/owner, so I know how to deal with situations. I enjoy playing on the jailbreak server, and i'm very active on it.
  9. want to be apart of this nice growing clan.
  10. Hey I'm Kip. I've been playing in the xG community for about 2 years now, and I thought its was time I might as well join. I plan to help in the community as much as I can with the time I have since I have school and not ass much time as others. And being twelve I have been told I am more mature than many others my age, and not to be annoying. I would be very happy to join. :)
  11. I'd like to join this clan to improve my time spent in Counter Strike: Source. I play exclusively on the minigames server, as it reminds me of my youth enjoying the Mario Party games, and becoming a member can only be beneficial to my experience there. I hope to be accepted and promoted to a position of overarching authority within the next week.
  12. I enjoy this clan Also I want to be man So let me in, man.
  13. i need 10 letters he to continue....
  14. I've like to join your clan because I'm always connect to your server and I really like ccs and when I discovered your jailbreak server I don't stop playing.
  15. Luke


    Hi id like to apply for xg
  16. Member Name: Gamersource In-Game Name: Gamersource Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11529670 Age: 17 Game Time: 207 h What Game?: Counter Strike: Source Helpful Skills: Good surfer
  17. Well I am always on the Xneo game server and I love it, so I decided that I would like to become a member. I am also going to donate to get a sweet hats and tails.
  18. hello,xeno gamers.I would like to join your your clan because it is the best one out there to me.Alot of them are very bad at playing games especially counter strike source.I like to play counter strike source and team fortress 2.I play on your jail break server all the time.I am searching for a gun game server of yours but not yet found it.I'm on about 12 hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and on weekdays about 4 hours.I use a gaming PC and i have a headset/mic.I don't have any mods of any kind.Thanks for reading.
  19. I really want to be in xg I was referred by topaz +1 everyone!!!
  20. Please let me be in xg i am not anoying and most people think im cool.
  21. :surprise::surprise::highly_amused::adoration::butterfly:
  22. Your in-game name: Snail Your real name: (Leave blank if you truly wish to not reveal this.) Age: 17 The game you are applying from (TF2 or CSS): Css Your game time currently: CSS: 1346 hours TF2: 29 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: I have a shell
  23. Sup. I'd Like to join xG, I'm a pretty easy-going guy. Thanks. Trollface.
  24. Hello everyone! I'm Zrined. I mostly hang out on the Jailbreak server, and occasionally the surf server, though I found XenoGamers through the Jailbreak one, I got CSS in December and have been playing it basically non-stop since, I feel that I've gotten rather good, and since I started playing, I've become better at games such as TF2. Anyway, I've never been in a clan prior to this and I do hope the wonderful people at XG will have me. Thanks!
  25. Hey everyone its Kasteli from the jailbreak server and i want to make this short and sweet: i play on here a ton (only server i play on) and i would love to be part of [xG], which is such a good community, +1's would be appreciated have a good one, KASTELI