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About Me

Found 1475 results

  1. Hey guys, I've been playing xG's jailbreak server for a couple months now and its a great gaming community to be a part of. I've met some cool ppl on the servers and thought I'd apply. I play almost everyday after work and I think i would be a great addition to the clan. Thanks for reading this, and i hope to meet more of you soon! Niko XD
  2. I'm hoping to get into xG and be apart of the gang to spread xG! Thanks for reviewing my app! PS, In Game Time I misunderstood. I have 82.2 Hrs (However I just got source like 3-4 weeks ago).
  3. Well, here it goes again my second attempt on becoming an xG member I remember last time I had 9 plus 1s, so I am pretty confident on actually becoming a member. Just joined Team Speak and I'm enjoying it very much, a lot smoother than Skype. I hope I have never offended anyone in xG, mostly the JailBreak server. When I got CS:S I knew I was going to spend most of my time on xG servers they are very smooth and well operated. Every hour has literally been spent on one of the servers. I hope you accept me into your clan hope to here your feedback soon.
  4. Hey, I've been playing on xG CS:GO jailbreak for a while and would love to become part of the community. I know the rules and I know I don't use my mic much but plan to do so more when I can get it fixed. I find xG to be a great gaming community with a good atmosphere and that's why I would like to join you guys.
  5. Hello I just wanted to apply for xG because it is my favorite server and I was told to apply by multiple people.:courage:
  6. i may be the reason for the zombie apocalypse if it ever happens :distracted:
  7. Its that time, folks! Ive been playing xG servers for a few months now and i am now deciding to apply. Cheers :cool: *Edit* Game time = 946.7 hrs (misinterpreted the question sorry, and that's a lot of hours.)
  8. I want to join xG because it seems like a very nice community for games, and i wouldn't really want to be anywhere else. (Also that these are the only reasonable app requirements I've seen in a long time). Another reason being is that i'd like somewhere to go, instead of looking around for three years. Not that i have anything better to do anyways, that's all i have to say. :)
  9. Hello, when i first got Cs GO during a steam sale, the first server i went on was xG jailbreak, from there on i fell in love with it and came on everyday, i still do as of now. i then saw xG members and said that would be awesome if i could actually be apart of you guys, so here i am moths later applying for the position, i would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to review my application, you can ask people about me on xG im a good guy, and would love to be on xG, hopefully a future admin. thank you!
  10. I'm already the Division Leader of Yolo'ing so this is just a formality
  11. Hello to the people in xG, I've been wanting to join your clan for a while, I've played alot on your server since when you guys only had you CSS server. I've played alot on your xG CSS servers and I've recently been playing alot on your gmod servers. I've applyed to your server once before (Doesn't show but I posted it.) and that was a application I regret making cause I knew it sucked now I know I this one is much better. I hope I get applyed. Thanks for reading my application PS: I'll remove the Admin in my name if it's needed and I'll be registering on the teamspeak if I already haven't done so. PSS: I'm also pretty decent with GFX.
  12. I was unbanned about 2 weeks and made a pre-mature member app, which I was 99% sure would be shot down, because people were asking if I was rejoining. I know the "rules" of apps state to wait a month, but Link told me to try again in a week or two, so... People who know me from my activity earlier in the summer know that I am a generally helpful person, and I hope I have already had an opportunity to show that in my few weeks of being back - both in game and on the forums. Contrary to a post I made elsewhere within the last week or so, I have donated $60 the clan in the past 2 weeks. Also contrary to that post, well, here I am applying. All players are expected to know the MOTD and respect admins so I can't really use those to support my case. But, well, I know the MOTD (I, um, spent hours reading and writing it this summer) and I do my best to help others understand it. Having been an admin here I do understand the flack you guys can catch and I have a better appreciation of what you do. I like to think that I'm a good warden even though I have my derp days (who doesn't?). In my time being banned from xG I've played on a few other servers and gotten some ideas from their players - not only for wardening but also as a JB player in general. I've put a lot of time, energy, and money into this clan. I love this clan. I made series of mistakes over a short period of time and threw that all away. I was graced with a second chance by being unbanned, I'm hoping to return to being an official member of the community. Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks guys.
  13. I've been playing league with XG members awhile now so why not join right. anyway I'm lvl 30 currently 1502 elo and ive played since late season 1. i will most likely be playing more games with XG once i get my gaming computer up and running so, looking forward to meeting new people. thanks for reading
  14. After discovering Jailbreak on CS:GO it rapidly became my favorite game type as did the xG server, mainly because of rules and gameplay (such as last CT) that weren't available on other servers. I began playing almost exclusively on the xG server, and in time established a (relatively) solid rapport with various xG members. We tend to get along great in and out of game, and I'd like to join xG out of camaraderie. I also am an active participant both as a T and as a CT, typically available for wardening when no-one is available, and try to help explain or enforce server rules when no moderators/admins area available. I contribute to games on the server, both as a warden by trying to create fun new games and keep Ts entertained, and as a T by actively stabbing CTs at every possible opportunity.
  15. been playing in one of the xG jail servers for a while now, would love it if i can join the xG family!! :playful::playful:
  16. ya well i would like to join XG. i mainly play on XG servers when i am playing CS:S. maybe a few people can vouch for me like Lollerskater. im also caught in some CT ban glitch. trente made a mistake and accidently perma ct banned me, but it was a mistake, so please don't include that in your consideration. heres the link showing Trente made the mistake no big deal just wanted to make sure so it didnt hold me back from joining Accidently perma CT banned thanx in advance for consideration:)
  17. I'm pretty active, and have been playing on the jailbreak server for ~2months now. I know the rules almost in side and out. I'm joining so i can help out players on the server that don't necessarily know all of the rules, and inform them what they're doing wrong and how to fix it. Hopefully I'm able to be a member of xG, Thanks.
  18. I play almost every day on CS GO and when I do I play in Xg Jailbreak server. I have fun with the people in the server and its a good atmosphere this is why I want to join the clan so bad! :excitement:
  19. Im a good Ct. I understand the motd and i read it everytime to notice any changes. Im a very fun warden, and i follow the rules. I also notify admins/ Division managers about server crashes, or when the server needs to be reset when they are not on it. I love playing jailbreak and bhop, mostly jailbreak. I have alot of good friendships on their and im a really nice guy.
  20. Uhmmm Hai guise u.u I want to be in xG so i can be cool like you guise. k. bye guise. <3
  21. I'm sorry to all the people I angered when I ragequitted and pancakes. [ATTACH]3935.vB[/ATTACH]
  22. I was a top/head admin for one of the most hated communities of all, CvG. I can learn the rules to multiple communities really fast and work well under pressure to make quick and effective decisions