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A few updates! 31/10/2012

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Ok so what I got out of this was Jihad is being demoted from leader to mod.

I'm being promoted to Halo 4 div in which I will fucking decimate @Link_

Scrim will only take place on Black Cocks 2 and Gaylo 4

And we are getting a warz server.


Btw having a div for Halo wouldn't be that bad. It would mostly be bad kiddies who think pc is for flash games only. But these kids are fucking ruthless! Most xbox clans make their members pay money to add the clans tag to their name. We legitimately could get some free advertising too if we got a good enough mlg team all the little kiddies would flock to their mommies to donate to xG to be part of s 1337 clan! Lmfao. Just an idea.

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