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Silence - A derperling

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Me and @A51Nova have come to the conclusion that every day @@silence is derperling.


What that entails it would be in your best interests not to know, as we'd be looking for a new leader.


Aaron out.


Edit: @@SuperMaddud says do not trust silence.

Be warned.

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Me and @A51Nova have come to the conclusion that every day @@silence is derperling.


What that entails it would be in your best interests not to know, as we'd be looking for a new leader.


Aaron out.


After witnessing the whole ordeal in chat, I can reaffirm Aarons' statement! Silence has commit taboo by derperling, I DEMAND A NEW LEADER, CONSENSUS TIME!


Nova out

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After witnessing the whole ordeal in chat, I can reaffirm Aarons' statement! Silence has commit taboo by derperling, I DEMAND A NEW LEADER, CONSENSUS TIME!


Nova out


If you say Nova out, copying me, one more time, I will bum rape you. Unless you like it, in which case I won't.

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Is it just me or has xGs threads become insanely stuipid? Like who makes an inside joke thread? Can we please get a ban request on serb or link? Please!?! I don't think jihad has had one yet...

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