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Rule revisal: Simon Says & FRLR

Rule Revisal on Simon Says/FRLR  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Rule Revisal on Simon Says/FRLR

    • Yes, I agree - change it.
    • No, I disagree - keep it.

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I believe there should a rule revisal for Simon Says & FRLR.

something to limit the use on both of these Games.


Every T hates SS & FRLR, and it's mainly because it's

played literally every round, which makes playing JB

boring and generic. There's so many other ways to eliminate

T's on each map, but rarely any of them is ever used. SS/FRLR would

be okay if wasn't played so much (3-5 Day Limit) - but unfortuantly, thats not case.


It's okay when you need to eliminate a couple people out of thirty,

it's NOT okay when you play Simon Says/FRLR with five people.

or when it's played until !lr, that's ridiculous.


So I think a rule should be changed, or introduced to limit

the usage on Simon Says/FRLR.


Post your thoughts, advice, opinions.

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well i thnk it should be limited to and lift where warden may invent new games but with an approval from admin, because ss and FrLr are getting boring and is played everyday .

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Its a good way to cut down on the number of T's though, cause handling 18 t's gets very troublesome


its not too hard if you have CT's who know what they're doing :P

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pretty much lol , usually if the ct team has alot of them not knowing what to do they will die quicklyand the round will end quicker... if u got like good shooter / listeners with a good warden they can keep everything under control but most of the good shooting / listeners don't have mic's

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pretty much lol , usually if the ct team has alot of them not knowing what to do they will die quicklyand the round will end quicker... if u got like good shooter / listeners with a good warden they can keep everything under control but most of the good shooting / listeners don't have mic's


exactly. which leads to another problem, a lot of new players/kids go for CT.

so you have basically an entire team of CT's who are wandering off and not listening to

the warden's order, which then essentially leads to freekilling.


oh and, congrats on your 700th post Duckii :D

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There are plenty of games on every map to cut down the number of t's you just have to use them and have you ct's in places to keep them from running off. It really isn't that hard.

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lol what? i just noticed my post :P and we do have rules about ct's wandering off if i remember... they must be actively watching / staying with wardens or doing orders or they'll get ct banned

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lol what? i just noticed my post :P and we do have rules about ct's wandering off if i remember... they must be actively watching / staying with wardens or doing orders or they'll get ct banned


yea, I see that all the time. most of it is because I'm rebeling and they just happen

to be wandering around somewhere (not looking for me), and they kill me.

although no warnings/kicks/bans ever happen though.

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Then warden must step up and assign diffrent spots to guard the T's so that all area's are covered. If they do not have an advance knowledge of the map it is up to the Warden to take the time to place CT's where they need to be.

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i think there should also be a rule against the warden doing trivia day with like 10 ts and saying "first to answer gets lr", then 1 person answers it right first and everyone else dies, i think thats complete bs and is freekilling, and im kind of divided on SS/FRLR rule cause if its the same warden every round than they will usually try to do something different every round to avoid repetition, usually its cause of different wardens every round that we keep doing SS/FRLR

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There are several problems with CTs. Many times these problems occur on a regular basis, and nothing gets done. Much of this could be fixed, but there are so many moderators out there who don't do their job and are practically useless. (no offence) They don't know motd well enough, and nothing gets done about a problem. This happens almost EVERYDAY I play, and many of the players are upset about this because why do we have admins if they don't even enforce half the rules? How many moderators does it take to fix a simple problem that could be resolved relatively easily? Many people are upset about this aand it leaves a bad impression on the people who arent xG and they leave the server looking for a better one.


I'll make a list of the problems here, so maybe you guys could focus on these as they are the worst of the problems.


1. motd states, "A Warden is only allowed to open the cells. If any other CT is caught opening the cells without being ordered by the Warden, they will be slayed or Team Banned." - Why is it so hard for you guys to enforce this. Oh thats right, probably because you don't read motd and didn't even know this rule existed. A lot of times someone other that warden opens the cell doors resulting in a freeday. there are 3 moderators on. Oh yea guess what, Nobody says anything and it happens 50 million times more before something gets done. Dont be afraid to lay down the law on the first time this occurs and slay them. They know the rules, and theyre just being assholes. Dont buy into their, "Oh i didnt know" crap because thats what it is. Then they do it 4 more times before you finally slay them. Besides, if the players had read the motd like they were supposed to, then it wouldnt have happened. If you fix this the first time it happens, then guess what? IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN.


2. "During a game, the Warden is the only person allowed to kill, and if another CT kills, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned." A lot of times, this rule is not enforced as well. Warden plays FRLR, there are 30 ts, and instead of 1 person dying, 5 people die because fail CTs kill when they arent warden. They slay themselves, and then it happens again next round. Now if the moderators had done their job, and said "If you kill during a game when you arent warden, you will be slayed", then guess what, MAYBE THE RULE WILL ACTUALLY BE ENFORCED.


3. "The Prison Guards, or CT's, must follow all orders given by the Warden that are directly pointed at the CT's. For example, if the Warden tells the CT's to stay away from the T's, they must follow. If a CT is unable to follow the orders, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned. If a CT is not actively involved in the day, they will be team banned." - This was talked about earlier, but ill say it anyways. CTs dont follow orders, people get freekilled, nothing gets done, etc. All you have to do is pay attention, if they are not with Ts, or not doing what the warden tells them to, SLAY THEM. Its not that hard to do. Then you just explain to them afterwards. Thats it. But apparently this is to hard for mods to do, and the fail CTs remain on CT and it happens over and over again.


There are a few other problems but they really arent that bad. I also think that the mute command should be returned because to many times the warden gets talked over, and the moderators that actually want to help can't do anything because a fail moderator got it taken away, and so all are punished. Maybe you could just take that privilege away from the one who did it, not all of them. If a moderator cant follow rules, then demote him till he learns it better. And maybe he can have a second chance next time.

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There are several problems with CTs. Many times these problems occur on a regular basis, and nothing gets done. Much of this could be fixed, but there are so many moderators out there who don't do their job and are practically useless. (no offence) They don't know motd well enough, and nothing gets done about a problem. This happens almost EVERYDAY I play, and many of the players are upset about this because why do we have admins if they don't even enforce half the rules? How many moderators does it take to fix a simple problem that could be resolved relatively easily? Many people are upset about this aand it leaves a bad impression on the people who arent xG and they leave the server looking for a better one.


I'll make a list of the problems here, so maybe you guys could focus on these as they are the worst of the problems.


1. motd states, "A Warden is only allowed to open the cells. If any other CT is caught opening the cells without being ordered by the Warden, they will be slayed or Team Banned." - Why is it so hard for you guys to enforce this. Oh thats right, probably because you don't read motd and didn't even know this rule existed. A lot of times someone other that warden opens the cell doors resulting in a freeday. there are 3 moderators on. Oh yea guess what, Nobody says anything and it happens 50 million times more before something gets done. Dont be afraid to lay down the law on the first time this occurs and slay them. They know the rules, and theyre just being assholes. Dont buy into their, "Oh i didnt know" crap because thats what it is. Then they do it 4 more times before you finally slay them. Besides, if the players had read the motd like they were supposed to, then it wouldnt have happened. If you fix this the first time it happens, then guess what? IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN.


2. "During a game, the Warden is the only person allowed to kill, and if another CT kills, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned." A lot of times, this rule is not enforced as well. Warden plays FRLR, there are 30 ts, and instead of 1 person dying, 5 people die because fail CTs kill when they arent warden. They slay themselves, and then it happens again next round. Now if the moderators had done their job, and said "If you kill during a game when you arent warden, you will be slayed", then guess what, MAYBE THE RULE WILL ACTUALLY BE ENFORCED.


3. "The Prison Guards, or CT's, must follow all orders given by the Warden that are directly pointed at the CT's. For example, if the Warden tells the CT's to stay away from the T's, they must follow. If a CT is unable to follow the orders, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned. If a CT is not actively involved in the day, they will be team banned." - This was talked about earlier, but ill say it anyways. CTs dont follow orders, people get freekilled, nothing gets done, etc. All you have to do is pay attention, if they are not with Ts, or not doing what the warden tells them to, SLAY THEM. Its not that hard to do. Then you just explain to them afterwards. Thats it. But apparently this is to hard for mods to do, and the fail CTs remain on CT and it happens over and over again.


There are a few other problems but they really arent that bad. I also think that the mute command should be returned because to many times the warden gets talked over, and the moderators that actually want to help can't do anything because a fail moderator got it taken away, and so all are punished. Maybe you could just take that privilege away from the one who did it, not all of them. If a moderator cant follow rules, then demote him till he learns it better. And maybe he can have a second chance next time.



I completely agree. Good point, and that's why I want to set up a meeting but I keep missing Silence. LOL

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