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Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Team

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I am assembling a team of players for Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. I'm not making positions because no one will want to stick to it, so I am just making a team of professional players. These players will be able to wear the [xG:V] subclan tag at the end of their name. If you ever gain a special class title, you can place the first letter or 2 after the V.


The following users are part of this subclan so far. They are also the leaders.


  • Arthman
  • Aram (Soul Lacoste)
  • Otherworldly (Alias Mundi)


In order to be part of this elite squad, you must meet the following criteria:


  • Own Vegas 2 for the PC
  • Able to play online
  • Can pass a THunt on Normal with a Medium Density with one member who was supposed to watch you
  • No levels required. Only skill.


For now, our criteria is at a lower level because a lot of people have recently got the game due to the Steam sale. So join now!


Our team camouflage is Russian blue. You MUST be wearing this during our elite fights until further notice. We may decide later on other ones.


Please PM me on Steam or post a reply here if you would like to join this subclan

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Please, stop crap talking about the game here. I am asking WHO wants to join the elite team. Not the opinion on the game. I don't want to go through 4 pages of a biased argument tomorrow, so just stop it right where you stand.


This is a thread for people that ENJOY the game, that want to be part of a subclan.

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Good news! My game finished installing from today cause my power went out yesterday. I'm in this subclan! I'll holla at you for a scout, oh and I need to be made an exception cause my guy looks like a hard core spec ops.

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Well, you can use any other camo, but Arthman first said that we are using Russian Camo. When I get 2 more people in the clan that have higher levels, we can have a poll on it. For now, we are just going whatever, but after a while, we have to stick to a camo that can change at a polls whim.

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