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CT Banned

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Text in Unban reason looks like it got cut off so I am pasting it here:


I follow the rules all the time, when I do something wrong whether by accident or by not knowing some minor rule thing I always slay myself if an admin doesn't already slay me... That being said:


The order was to crouch in one of the four corners of Isolation (on Lego) me and the warden were looking through the opening in the door and killing people not following the order. I was awp scoped in on one corner, aimmed a couple feet above some T's heads, they were crouchs.... then they stood up(at least it looked like they did to me) so I shot one, then the other did the same thing and I shot him as well.... one of the two people was xG|M SwizZ✞" who was not happy he died.... he slayed me then CT banned me saying that they were crouched and the secret door inside there made them appear a few feet higher.


I still think that they stood up, but even if the glitch story was true, I believe that a simple slay would have been sufficient and that a CT ban was not necessary at all and only done out of anger.

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Ctbanned 1 day by @@SwizZ


If you really freekilled 2 people in a short amount of time, you should just wait untill the ct ban runs out.

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Ctbanned 1 day by @@SwizZ


If you really freekilled 2 people in a short amount of time, you should just wait untill the ct ban runs out.


The issue is, that I still do not think they were freekills.... and if they were they were accidental, which I feel did not require a day CTban.... while I see people CT banned for far less time for purposely killing people for no reason at all... I am fine waiting for the ban to expire but I think in the future something like this needs to be handled a little better instead of a rageban

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The issue is, that I still do not think they were freekills.... and if they were they were accidental, which I feel did not require a day CTban.... while I see people CT banned for far less time for purposely killing people for no reason at all... I am fine waiting for the ban to expire but I think in the future something like this needs to be handled a little better instead of a rageban


If it was by accident because of a glitch, a ctban was maybe a little too much.

We have to wait for Swizz to comment on this, and then a div leader will decide what to do.

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If you did freekill 2 people then the ban is justified, I doubt SwizZ would slay you if he really did stand up, and it's a day ctban which is not a lot, plus we cannot unctban right now because of a glitch so I'm just going to close this.


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