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Mod/admin Basics -- Outdated And Replaced

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Basic admin guide

This guide will hopefully help if any mods/admins need help with something.

Edited as of 2/8/2013: The glitch for CT bans is still active, but you are no longer required to server ban and teamban them. If they need perm CT banned, you are to give them a teamban for a very long time. I usually use "!teamban name 1111111111 "Mass freekill" which teambans them for around 257 months. They can appeal their ban later on and still be able to be unteambanned if accepted.


Edit as of 12/4/2012: There is a glitch in the CTBans, which prevents anyone(even higher ups) from unbanning anyone who was permanently banned from CT. Until that glitch is fixed, anyone who deserves a permanent ban, from CT or the server, you are to both server ban them for 10080(1 week) or CT ban them for a month(40000 minutes).


A moderator is an admin in training. They are the lowest rank of admin(Aside from Paid Moderator). They wear the xG:M tag(xG:PM if paid mod) They are logged in with access "admin, kick, ban, slay, chat" This means they have access to basic admin commands, kick command, ban command, slay command, and admin chat command.



Admins are mods who have proven themselves of being promoted from moderator to a higher rank. They have a little higher access than moderators do. They are logged in with access res, admin, kick, ban, unban, slay, chat, vote. This means they have access to admin commands, kick commands, ban commands, unban commands, slay commands, admin chat and voting commands. Res basically means admin but restricted powers. They do not have powers to change the map.


Admins are unbiased. They will not use favoritism toward friends. If someone breaks a rule you must do something about it, even if they are friends. You can lose your rank if you say you won't do anything about a rule breaker because of them being a friend.




Command usage


To type in ADMIN chat[Visible only to admins] type @<writing> in team chat. This is the same as talking to the admins for non-admins. This is used mainly to talk to other admins online.


To type in ALL chat[Visible to all users as seen by non-admins as (ALL) ADMIN] type @<writing> in public chat.


To Private Message someone, in public chat, you type @@<name> <Message> and send it. It will say private message


!who (Prints details in console about any other admins online, and their powers. It will look like a list like this: -This is what came back for my powers in console, I was number 32 on the server.

32. DarkWolf6052 xG|A DarkWolf res, admin, kick, ban, unban, slay, chat, vote

IntelFox DarkWolf6052 xG|A : !who


!slay <name>


!gag <name>


!mute <name>


!silence <name>


!ban <name> <time> <reason>


!teamban <name> <time> <reason>


!kick <name> <reason>




[Admin] !open <@all>

Do not use this command if it is not needed.


[Admin] !vote <Question> <"Answer 1"> <"Answer 2"> <"Answer 3"> <"Answer 4">





Any commands typed with a "!" will be public. Any commands typed with a "/" will be hidden from public view. I recommend that you use a "/" instead, because it can encourage non-staff members to impersonate admins.


!admin This will open the admin command menu. Here you can find almost all the admin commands you need.


A moderator will get this menu when typing !admin in chat. [ATTACH]4003.vB[/ATTACH]


1. Player Commands


-Slay player (Find their name on this list and press to slay them. Only shows alive players in this list)


-Kick player (Find their name on this list and press to kick them without reason <Will automatically tell them "Disconnect:

Kicked by administrator")


-Ban player (Find their name on this list and press their name. It will go to another menu, to choose the time, between Permanent. 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week. Click "Own reason" on the next menu and type your reason in chat. After that the person will be banned. Make sure for reasons with more than one word, put the words in quotations.


-Gag/Mute player(Find their name on this menu, and choose between Gag, Mute, or Silence<Silencing gags and mutes someone at the same time, can be undone by typing !unsilence>)


-Ban disconnected player(Find their name on this menu, click their name<It will tell when they disconnected as well as their steam ID on this menu>, choose a time to ban them, and choose reasons from Abusive, Racism, General cheating/exploits, Wallhack, Aimbot, Speedhacking, Mic Spamming, Admin disrespect, Camping, Team killing, Unacceptable Spray, Breaking server rules, or Other


-Identify player(This is to see who is admin and who isn't. Click their name on this menu and it will tell you via chat if they are admin and who they are.


-Remove from Queue(Find their name on this menu and click it to remove them from the Guard Queue)


-Team Ban(Find their name on this menu and click it, then click Ban from CT, select the ban time from 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or permanent, and choose the reason, from Freekiller, No Mic, Button Spammer, and Freeshooter)


2. Server Commands


-Reload admins(Click this to reload the list of people you are able to spray.)


-Admin Spray(Click this and then any persons name listed to spray their wall. It can spray automatically, rather than the timed wait for respray)


-Remove Spray(Click this while looking at a spray to remove a spray logo, which will open another menu asking if you want to warn them, kick them, or ban them for 5 minutes)


-Trace Spray(Click this while looking at a spray to be notified via chat whos spray you are looking at, their steam ID, and when it was sprayed last, and get the menu for Warn, Kick, or Ban for 5 minutes.


3. Hosties


-Ban player(Find their name on the menu, click it, choose a time, choose a reason for the ban, and click it.


-Kick player(Find their name on this menu, click it, and they will be kicked with reason "Kicked by administrator"


-Slay player(Find their name on this menu, click it and they will be slain automatically.)


-Stop All LastRequests(Click this to abort the current Last Request.)


4. SwapTeam Commands


-Immediately(Find their name on this menu to immediately swap their team to the opposite team. This is not

recommended while alive, as it can be abused.)


-On Death(Find their name on this menu to swap them to the opposite team upon their death. When they die they will swap teams.)


-On Round End(Find their name on this menu to swap them to the opposite team upon the rounds end. They get swapped on the next round.


-To Spectator(Find their name on this menu to swap them to spectators)




Admin only commands


These are commands used by Admins, not able to used by moderators. An Admins admin menu will look like this [ATTACH]4004.vB[/ATTACH]


3. Voting commands


-Kick Vote(Find their name on this menu to start a vote kick against them. If successful, they are automatically kicked with reason "Votekicked"


-Ban Vote(Find their name on this menu to start a vote ban against them. If successful, they will be automatically kicked with reason "Votebanned"




Thanks to @A51Nova for helping with some of the things listed here, double checking things for CS:GO


Thanks to @@lEcho for the moderator menu screenshot. Sorry for not noting you before, love you




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Also, for players with tricky or duplicate names, you can type "status" in console and find the # next to their name and use that. For example, in the screenshot below I am #256 , so you could use "!spec #256 "




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When is the best time to use vote option?

For example, today I used it for deciding which person to slay for a freekill. However the results were too close to make an accurate decision. So I did not slay anyone.

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When is the best time to use vote option?

For example, today I used it for deciding which person to slay for a freekill. However the results were too close to make an accurate decision. So I did not slay anyone.


I've seen some admins use it when they warden for a more organised "What do you want to do today" vote. It can also be used sparingly for fun at your discretion, like this vote: (Also, that reminds me, @@HighSociety you still need to change your name, I took your title)




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