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the removal of members asking something.

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Since this:

Here is the hitlist:

The following people are out of the clan, remove your tags or face a ban:

- Rabid_Turtle

- Shikaku

- Johnnymcg


Will the [xG:R] still be going or not? since Rabid_Turtle was the owner of it. im just wondering that if i should remove the [xG:R] tags out of my name ingame. confused about it so that why im asking what to do about it.

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well someone can take over the clan if they would like :P it started when rabid asked me to join but than later on i lefted it , but yeh you can have someone to take over or u can just remove the tag.

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I asked Rabid this same question out of curiosity.


He says, yes - it still exists, but he wouldn't be

accepting any members to join until everything gets

sorted out.

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