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Hide and Seek Rule revision

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As originally posted by @@Cerberus in the CS:GO discussion, it's a very good point, and would like to see if it can be changed in CS:S as well:


The current MOTD states that during a Hide and Seek day CTs still have to be out of armory by 7:30. It used to be that CTs just wait in armory while Ts go hide and when we did this HnS worked. It was an effective, fun day, and very popular with both Ts and CTs.


However, since the "leave armory" rule has been enforced, HnS is broken. All the CTs are forced to be clumped up in one room while Ts, instead of running to hide, all run into armory, get guns, and slaughter them. There's no incentive and nothing forcing Ts to hide. It essentially turns into a freeday with all the CTs conveniently stuck in one location.

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