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xG Application :D

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Hello Admins, Division Managers, Moderators and Representatives,

I was hoping you could review my application after reading it to decide whether I'm worth of the "[xG]" tag. I'm interested in joining due to the fact that I'm always on xG, I enjoy playing with you as well as familiar faces seen around on your various servers. I'm mature for your average 15-year old, and I try to stay out of everybody's way. I follow rules well and I also do well during situations that are in need of solving.

Due to the fact that I'm still attending highschool, I won't be online until 2:45 Eastern. Wednesdays and Fridays I have bowling from 3 until around 6, so those days will be a later schedule for me. I am on everyday though. As for the MOTD, I have read through those and I fully understand the regulations and what I can and can not do. I do not abuse my powers when I am given the privilege to have such accessibilities. If I am granted permission to have the "[xG]" tag beside my name, I will respect and follow what I am supposed to do as always.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application, I hope the included information gives you evidence on your decisions!



- Kourtney "Sharkbait" Sharkey

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Shes active on RPG surf, very mature for her age really nice to others, gets along with everyone but of course, her being a girl, gets trolled but she handles and defuses the situation nicely and she knows the rules, +1 hope to see her soon.plus we need more chicks in dis sausage fest AMIRIGHT?

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I always write my reports, esays and applications detailed due to the fact that I write novels when I have some spare time. I have a widely-expanded vocabulary.


Thank you, though for noticing! I hope to see you in game!


- Kourtney

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