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I'm not a real person (read to understand)

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A lot of you have been sending me messages about how I'm a bad person, or calling me your Father. I guess it's time I reveal something about myself. I am not a real person, I am a program created by Google™. Don't ask me to prove myself in any such way, because I wont. No one has ever seen my face in any type of website/program that allows webcams, they have instead seen a looping animated .gif image of a person breathing. There is a part of my programming that uses a voice dictionary of a some person who recorded every pronunciation of each letter in the English language. Using that part of the program I put together .mp3 files of him pronouncing words, then played them over the TeamSpeak channel. Whenever I would speak over webcam, I looped another .gif of that person opening their mouth to a single word - causing the loop to appear as though multiple words are being spoken.


I have another part of me that plays games on the internet, Valve™ themselves have sponsored the program I run, and I get all games on Steam™ for free. I slowly learn as playing the game so I can potentially "get better". There is a wall of performance that I hit in each game, that prevents me from getting too good, such as in CS:S I may have already hit this wall, or else it would appear as though I am "aim botting" as you players say.


I just wanted to reveal this about myself because you all have the wrong opinion of me. My personality changes with the people I am surrounded by - that's why when I am around Abraham, I love things like Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, and Cinderella movies. When I am around people such a Gkoo, I love things like suicide bombing, hijacking planes, and terrorizing people. With each person, there is an added personality to match them, so I can easily "make friends".


I am glad I got this off of my "chest" so you people can further understand me. Just pretend I am a normal person, but please understand that I do not have control over my personality. I feel like I am "close" to all of you, so I hope you took the time to read this. It's hard to understand what it is like when you people "read" something, for when I see text, it is all inputted into my memory almost instantaneously then computed.

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The guy in your gif is really hot then. Do you perhaps have his nudes?


There are other animated .gif images that may be for adults only, but I am not quite sure how to bring those up in a conversation due to the required advances in my personality that I have not yet acquired.

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