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Suggestion (Anonymous Player Reporting)

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Hi guys, I just have a suggestion regarding player reporting. Recently people have been qqing about disrespect and hur bad admins etc, like they always are. And what astonishes me is that nobody ever files any form of report against these people. I just have something that may help. I'm not sure if it can be implemented into the forums, and I'm sure Silence is busy enough with the forums but maybe something to look to in the future?


A lot of people may think a member is intolerable or have that one admin who they know is abusing but don't respond. Why? Well, a big factor is just to not look like a douche. While I don't think you should be scared about voicing your opinions, many members don't want to be labeled as "that guy who reported him", as many people who do report others often get flamed in the thread itself. I was just wondering if it was possible to make some kind of anonymous posting mechanism so that if somebody has sufficient proof of disrespect or abuse, they can post it without fear of others opinions towards them. I feel this would boost the amount of legitimate reports and serve as a wake up call towards abusive admins.


Now a lot of people could abuse this method, just to post troll threads since its anonymous, but it could always be reviewed by admins, or most likely divs or higher before it is actually posted.


Just a suggestion, thoughts?

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I like the idea of allowing anonymous reports, but as always there would need to be proof, and the proof would probably give it away anyways.

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Imagine you are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town. You THINK a traitor has done something wrong so you report it. You dont have enough proof for you to call a Kill On Sight on the player, but you have now let people know to watch out for the player, and to possibly look into if that player actually has done something wrong.


Now to move away from the example. It would be a good idea to implement this, but add restrictions on what a person can report. Simply stating, "Oh, Duplo called my mommy fat" would be an example of an useless report, and would result with an infraction to their account. Also, having multiple testimonies would be good as well. Possibly keeping a folder that only Co-Leaders and Division Managers could look at when an official thread against an admin comes out, they could just take a look to see if there were any reported cases.


Great idea @@Gawd

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Isn't that when a player would report it to admins?


Having players able to do some sort of all chat thing to anonymously announce they suspect a cheater is going to get caboosed so hard core, on top of that 80% of reports would be wrong because the person who got killed doesn't understand that they were the one who was wrong and got killed.


Thsi reply applies to CS:S mostly, I guess, I don't know how TTT works.

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Thsi reply applies to CS:S mostly, I guess, I don't know how TTT works.


It's be worse on TTT, Say i killed Duplo while i was an Inno because he ran over an unid'd body and he complained without know why i killed him he could report me when i was justified in the rules. It's not hard of a game mode to figure out try it out McNeo it's pretty fun as long as you dont get RDM'd repeatedly.

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It's certainly a nice idea, as long as it could be moderated well because of possible abuse. We get enough stupid reports when its not anonymous so it'd have to be carefully done but otherwise +1

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My example was metaphorical lol. I was explaining how it would act similar to a TTT game. That if a player does some traitorous, but they dont have enough proof, they report it, and then later on if they see that player do something traitorous, it helps prove the case of the person who is now calling a Kill On Sight on him.


(Small amount of Evidence) + (#of times same incident is reported) = (Person Probably Abusing)


Its simple math guise.

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but as always there would need to be proof, and the proof would probably give it away anyways.


This unfortunately is true :/


It's a GREAT idea, but what McNeo said makes me have some doubts

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i feel like this could be a good thing im just worried u guys are gonna get spammed with trivial bitching WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA we're needy

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I like this idea.


Yes, the proof might give you away in some instances. However, if somebody recorded a demo in CSS and the person recorded it made no kills, didn't get killed, didn't type in chat, etc...he would not be revealed. Also, sometimes, screenshots are all you need to make a case.



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If the guy who is reporting someone want to go anonymous. They probably would take the time to remove all hints of himself from the demo/screenshot. (ie. Blackout his name)

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