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What's with all the kids?

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I'm tired of getting freekilled but i'm not the one too ***** and complain as long as they don't mess with this website! I've personally observed little kids faking their age to get onto this website....

Please post what you think should happen here and whatev if this post doesn't make **** sense remove it admins i'm trying too make you guys think what you want on this server little kids or mature people who AREN'T ANNOYING




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There's nothing we really can do, except just not accept kids. Kids might be faking their age but they're not getting accepted unless they're mature.

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So I open this thread thinking their is going to be some mature post on how kids are ruining something. Being a kid myself (15) I thought it would be interesting. Then I read or post and went "Oh, he is complaining about immaturity but uses literally no punctuation...O.K..."

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It's not so much age is of a concern.

There are a lot of people who have deep voices but are even more immature then a 12 year old boy. For example, I am 13, and really haven't done anything to harm this clan or it's members, and have a deeper voice then the average for my age, but there are older members, with maturer voices, who have. It's a matter of kicking people out who do not act like a mature human.


And if little kids fake their age, sometimes it is because they think that even though they might be better then the average 16 year old, they might get turned down for a high voice. Still, they shouldn't.


I understand your reasoning, but it may seem like it is only kids for you. I have met quite a select few of characters in this clan, and they usually aren't that mature. Some of them are gone now (not rabid, not shikaku)


I think what should be done is a vote of maturity based on a vote placed by the admins of XenoGamers.

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no no no just kick out the trolls and its all good and btw penguin what does punctuation have to do with maturity lol and ya i think if a kid has an annoying voice they shouldnt be allowed to talk hows that for bad punctuation penguin :D

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Define annoying. Honestly, what if someone had a vocal problem? We can't judge someone by their voice...if they have a horrible mic, that's another story. I can honestly say that I have a problem with an non-xG member that has a highpitched voice and attempts to be a CT. However, if I know they are mature, I have no problem with it. I know this seems hypocritical maybe, but still, this is my opinion.

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No I just was referring to the fact that somebody complaining about maturity should probably try to sound mature. Posting

Please post what you think should happen here and whatev if this post doesn't make **** sense remove it admins i'm trying too make you guys think what you want on this server little kids or mature people who AREN'T ANNOYING


Doesn't exactly help your case.

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C'mon guys, complaining like this doesn't help anything either, admins do their best to get rid of the really annoying kids that actually deserve to be ridden of. If there is someone that you just don't like in general, try to do your best and ignore them. If they keep being immature, please talk about it to an admin and not just on the forums for EVERYONE to see. Thanks.

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Just because I don't punctuate doesn't mean that I'm not mature just don't really care for the fact that this is just a discussion you get what i'm trying to put out and this is no official thread so whatever I like reading your posts and finding out what you think of this "Issue"



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We aren't gonna kick out kids from our servers just cuz they have annoying voice. If they are younger then 16, it takes alot to be in xG clan anyways, so don't worry. Thanks for posting though (:

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Fine defining annoying I can't judge people by their voice but i think we all know the difference between a 9 year old and a 16 year old. And if they act immature like laughing for no reason.

Selby said himself there is no real solution for this problem :/

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Selby said himself there is no real solution for this problem :/


Then why start the post in the first place? lol. Like I said before, If there is a specific person that you don't like, talk about it to an admin and they can see what they can do. Otherwise, you're just going to have to ignore them. Usually they aren't even warden so you can just mute them so you don't have to listen to their voices.

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And if they act immature like laughing for no reason.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Some people are just very entertained by a simple joke that may not be as funny to others, that's not really immature, it's just a trait of a person. I know laughing into the mic is a thing that can be annoying, but when people talk, sometimes they are used to holding down that key...

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I started this post to see what people comments were on for the kids "Issue" and how to reason or solve it.

Otherworldly I have a sense of humor I know when someone tells a joke and when some are retarded I do that at times also i'm saying some kids laugh at killing someone JUST for killing >.> it kinda scared me that these kids will be our future, and when they're laughing at killing someone on a game but oh well it's just a game doesn't mean this will effect their actions in their future lives or not.


TY FOR THE POSTS HAVE A GOOD NIGHT or in Korean Jo eun bam!

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