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My name is DuckiiJr. again

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Well I decided screw it im changing my name back. So im back to DuckiiJr. and plan to stay that name <3 I got demoted from admin to member because i changed my name back to Duckii Jr. but oh well i guess. I thought atleast maybe I coulda been still mod. I believe im good at my mod job. Oh well :P

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That's pretty stupid. I really have to say that is a dumb reason to get demoted. If you honestly have that name, why should you get demoted? You had it BEFORE you were promoted, and you were promoted to moderator on this name. Why admin?


I don't want to offend the demoting admin, but come on, that is a violation of his ability to his own free will. NOBODY CARES about him having a Jr. in his name. It should be up to Duckii, not anyone else. Who has complained that it makes the clan look bad or any other reason?

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how exactly is changing ones name enough to be demoted from admin all the way down to xg member? i think thats way too harsh and duckii jr knows how to be admin/mod, kinda dont know how changing ones name is against the rules also. i would like to hear eros side of the story though, dont want this becoming a one sided thread

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Well I am glad Duckii Jr. did not decide to tell you the whole story. I did not think he was ready to be admin. I told him I would give him a chance. However, I wanted him to change his name BACK to Siberian, so people would not think we were being biased or to confuse to 2 as admins. That way people did not mix them up that did not know them. Also so people did not think it was favoritism that did not know them. He agreed. He got Admin. He changed his name back and posted a thread on how unfair he thought it was. He lost his Admin. I don't care if you all think it was unfair. Or think he should be able to name himself cockgobbler if he want's to. The point is he agreed to change his name and apparently decided to say *screw you* to me and Silence.



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I didnt say anything at ALL bad about silence. However i admit saying things about you. Cuz your the one who did this


---------- Post added at 04:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 AM ----------


Ero well now u know i can fight back

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Congratulations, to bad you didn't have the maturity to pick the right battle. You only have yourself to blame. Now, you are only adding oil to the fire. I was going to tell Silence to give you mod back, you are trying you best to make that impossible.

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What about shikaku? His name was Silence Jr for quite a while and no one did **** about it, why do it with Duckii Jr?


---------- Post added at 09:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 AM ----------


Just saying >_>

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---------- Post added at 09:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 AM ----------


[/color]Just saying >_>


Saying that is like ******* into an open wound, pouring alcohol on it, then puring salt into it for Ero. He's going to get pissed off and say "Stop being immature, Quarantine" while he's actually the one showing immaturity.

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It's an understandable analogy, but how are we going to be biased if we have an admin and a co-owner with similar names?

They are hardly on at the same time. Duckii Jr. uses his mic, and Duckii does not. Duckii and Duckii Jr also have different typing patterns as well. Also they have different tags, I am just trying to get questions answered here, not start a whole unnecessary argument.

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Did either of you bother reading my comment. Shikaku as not an admin he was a mod. Go back and read my post on page one. If you still still don't get it.. it doesn't matter.


Oh and Trevor you obviously don't know me at all and like to talk out of your *** lol.

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