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Disrespect to members.

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I was recently playing on the jailbreak server and I noticed something. Something I didn't like and that I think this community should learn from to be one of the best if not the best comunities out there, because this is what makes or breaks a community from being at that point. I noticed many members of this community disrespect each other which I feel there should be a punishment to this action. I don't care if the member has "no balls" every member in this community should be treated with respect. If they aren't and they receive that disrepspect from another member that member should be punished.


Edit: I'd also like to address the issue with "sub clans" I don't think they should be allowed. They confuse many of us patrons who aren't apart of the community and we think that they are admins. And some of them not going to mention a NAME but they like to pretend they are an admin and answer questions as if they were an admin. They lead you on and then say "oh sorry i cant ban him or slay im i lost my admin powers." This issue should be cleared it the tag should only be [xG] and if you have a rank higher than member then [xG:M]

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I agree with the disrespect topic, but not with the subclans. If someone thinks that someone with xG:R or xG:S in their name is an admin, they shoud ask, not assume.

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To be honest I don't really see much disrespect between members.. Maybe a few joke here and there like "screw you ***" or whatnot, but nothing really serious. Subclans are a GREAT way to be uniting the members with other people, and if anyone has a question, they usually just ask. It's not hard to explain the differences. (Not trying to be a negative Nelly)

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I can understand where he's coming from though. If you really think about it, the sub clan's do confuse some people who are new to the server. However, if they made the effort to clarify what a certain tag meant, they'd realize that the person wasn't a Mod/Admin. I feel at this point, new patrons to the server will get a good impression of the type of community that xG is. Which is definitely a plus. Sub-clans help bring people together.


^All that is quickly thrown away if there is disrespect amongst members. What we need to take from it is just that we should all take our part to stop any arguments that elapse while we're online.

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I really don't understand the problem. When we disrespect each other, everyone knows it is a joke, and no one EVER takes it seriously. Even randoms laugh at it! The subclan thing? I can understand where you are coming from, and I have an ideal solution for subclans. So to not confuse the randoms or other members that obviously can't read forums, here is a solution:


Instead of [xG:R], you put [R] at the end of your name

Instead of [xG:S] at the beginning, you put at the end.

If you are a Mod, Admin, Division Leader, Co-Leader, or Leader, put the appropriate tag at the BEGINNING: [xG:M] [xG:A] [xG:D] [xG:C] [xG:L]

If you lead a subclan, for example, [xG:Q] at the beginning, it becomes [Q:L] at the end, meaning you lead, or put [Q!], something to signify you are a leader of it, by emphasizing it.


I can understand this can ruin purposes of subclans, but I plenty of people ask me what [xG:V] was, and it was Vegas 2. I got sick of explaining it and everyone confusing it for virgin or vagina or Viagra. If we keep a one lettered tag at the END of our name, it can avoid a lot of confusion.


Because there are a lot of stupid and lazy people that are on the Internet. So we have to treat them like handicapped or society treats us like crap.

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well not everyone takes it as a joke but serious which i see sometimes and by than they should stop instead of going on , if they continued and go to far they'll be warned , also it seems alot of more members is beginning to create sub clans and i think people should really try to stop.

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I'm with Kenny on the disrespecting part of that. It doesn't matter if they're using a newbie weapon something like that it creates disasters on the servers, they start to yell at each other and no one can hear a thing. In the words of MLK "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." We should all give constructive criticism but not just yelling at each other. Yelling gets nothing done, just creates more rage and anger, let us all improve and embrace each other.


On the subclan. I don't really belong to one, but I think it should be put in the back of the name separate from your original tag such as

[xG] Snoopy [xG:S]

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I'm with Kenny on the disrespecting part of that. It doesn't matter if they're using a newbie weapon something like that it creates disasters on the servers, they start to yell at each other and no one can hear a thing. In the words of MLK "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." We should all give constructive criticism but not just yelling at each other. Yelling gets nothing done, just creates more rage and anger, let us all improve and embrace each other.


On the subclan. I don't really belong to one, but I think it should be put in the back of the name separate from your original tag such as

[xG] Snoopy [xG:S]


extra tags look stupid.

Its a sub-clan. hence sub.


another [xG] in your name is completely unnecessary.

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extra tags look stupid.

Its a sub-clan. hence sub.


another [xG] in your name is completely unnecessary.


This this this this! Also, Some people's names (ahem) are flat-out too long to add in another useless tag. I'd say we should still keep them, but to an extent. We can't have 50 different subclans, each made by a random. They should be approved by Ero/Silence/Duckii and that'll settle it.

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I really like the Idea of just putting [R] [N] or w.e after the name, its a really good ideaa and it could be understood that its a subclan with just a letter. The tags infront of names should be left alone and only touched if you are a Mod, Admin, Division leader, Co leader, or Leader.

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"Edit: I'd also like to address the issue with "sub clans" I don't think they should be allowed. They confuse many of us patrons who aren't apart of the community and we think that they are admins."


I agree 100%... example

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Thanks for agreeing with me Aegean. So far, this is a way we can keep our subclans that are approved and we can still have fun with them. We can actually represent a group, considering all subclans are xG anyway, there is no point at putting it at the beginning, because this is very confusing and points out that you could be considered an mod or higher to randoms. If we just have the 3, maybe 4 characters at the end of our names, that could make a lot less confusion.

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