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Maniac201209 - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

✞[PDD] Maniac201209✞

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

I am amazing with computers and pretty good with FPS games, i am a youtuber, creating a first person shooter game, and i am friendly to others. I like being seal team 6 in counter strike and i am a professional with website making


MY CHANNEL i only have one vid cuz i need to buy fraps:

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I'm going to -1 right out of the gate. First things first, you aren't registered on teamspeak, and while that isn't huge, you have to be registered to join xG, and it's fairly easy to register. However, you flat out lie by saying you've been in xG. Your account was created literally today, nice try though. Plus, it appears that you run your own community (Professional death dealers) so you'll have to leave that community to join up, due to the fact that you can't dual-clan. Lastly, I've never seen you once in-game, and I doubt you've even gone on any of our servers.

A: ?/10 (Never seen you once on any of our CS:S servers, and I kinda doubt you've connected to a single one)

M: ?/10 (Never seen you in-game, once again I doubt you've even connected to any of our servers)

Proof of complete inactivity in-game: ai45.tinypic.com_k4753q.thumb.jpg.435372808288ac29b160fa3bb3a04ad3.jpg

I could be completely wrong, please correct me if I am

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Like Diabeetus, you were not here before (meaning you were a member + and left). You need to be registered on team speak. you don't know the server rules. Your STEAM ID is wrong you might want to fix that. you can use www.steamidfinder.com to get your steam id.


A :2


D: -1

be more active, use your mic in-game, leave PDD, and read the motd.



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Going to have to #Deny this application as there are not enough Vouches given to meet our required amount (10). This application has also exceeded the amount of time given for a Member Application, and as such I am #Closing this thread. You may re-apply for membership in two weeks mate. I will also remind you that lying in your application isn't exactly the best idea.


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods

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