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Lord Supreme Ero addressing rumors.

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To everyone and especially ero. I am sorry for causing all of this. I did not meen for what I said to go all crazy. You really believed that? You really believed ero was taking over? I said it because I was still angry ok. I'm all over that now. Just stop alright im honestly sorry ero for all the crap i have caused. Stop this before it goes more crazy. I am done im over being angry and all.


I appreciate that, kind of. However it is not about you anymore. I have had DDoS threats for one. I't made me really wonder if I was just wasting my time or actually making a difference. That is why I gave up my powers after Rabids Abuse thread. and why I still do not carry a clan title. I want peoples honest opinion. If I can not connect with you guys and keep the server fun and protected I don't want to be here. You all know I am older... to some people almost as old as their dad. The only reason I get though is when I think that Silence really needs me and is in trouble or needs something to change. I have no problem taking **** from all of you. When it is valid. *trolls excluded.* I am not trying to be a all governing force I am trying to keep things balanced the best I can. If you honestly think someone can do it better I would love the responsibility and weight off my shoulders. The thing is I have not seen anyone ready for that yet. Silence does way more then any of you think plus 100%. If you want my job be calm , mature, and respectful to the best of your abilities, and whats best for the clan to grow and you can have it. Untill then shut the **** up, keep crying when i mute and ban you and it will get you no where. Take my spot and prove to Silence you are better supporting him in CSS then me. Case Closed.

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There are things that I have heard of but however not seen with my own eye. During the times I play with you on CSS, you are enforcing the rules. I have occasionally heard stories of people complaining, but to me it seems you were following common sense or the MOTD. I do have to agree this thing that happened was immature among all active parties, because it was over a name, and usually the leadership knows best. I just want to put out I can agree with what you do, but some things that can happen can be at times a little less then mature. Sometimes, but rarely.

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You're a role model for the rest of the clan and you do what needs to be done. just don't take it to heart when you're doing your job, and you have to end up punishing someone and they start to rage.

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nah man ignore people you tell it how it is and enforce the rules + your Co-leader so what you say goes unless silence disputes it. you had every right to tell him to change his name, and he shouldnt have made such a big deal out of it. If people cant handle it then they can cry more.

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Ero your seriously the perfect mod. Your mature enough to understand when you need to be strict, and although being strict makes people angry, it's needed. If your the only admin that can really get people to follow the rules, not troll, and protect the clan then so be it. Without you we would probably fall apart.

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Hey selby, On another hand, Somebody can keep the name he want since he paid for the account. That was the problem


I dont know about you Arthman but I never paid for an account.

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We are not talking about the dumb name change again I already explained that. If you want to find out why go read the thread about Duckii changing his name back. Arthman..sorry man I know you feel like it was unfair to you to get slayed once :/..however you were begged at least 5 times to leave and I had every right to slay you. You have to listen to warden when you are CT it is in the MOTD, people there can back me up on this.

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ero is a great admin, he just gets raged upon by 12 yr olds and trolls, y? cause they are super jelly cause he has admin and they dont, even though they say they would be the "greatershest adminz in the universeees". look at it this way ero, anyone in power will always have haters, meaning admins will always have someone who hates them or dislikes them for whatever reason, i say u should stay as co leader, u def know how to fix ****

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HOLY **** PONCHER JUST GET THE **** OUT OF HERE. This certain post should have NEVER been brought back up u ****ING **** OMG


You mad bro? rage a little harder.



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