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Shooting through doors in warday.

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I think CTs should be able to shoot through doors once bullets start being shot from the other end. Because after a certain period of time, its just ridiculous to believe that Ts don't have any guns at that point. There shouldn't be a solid rule, but a time limit placed on when shooting through doors is acceptable depending on when warday starts. A 2 minute buffer zone after warday officially starts should be a fine period to refrain from shooting through doors because that's more than enough time on any map for all Ts to get to armory and warday area unless they are not participating.

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It's the admin's job to slay people who don't participate

Agreed ive seen people just plain old be on the opposite part of the map during a warday and not be slayed. Mind you them being at 100 health and playing BHOP or the piano In the LEgo map.

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LOL, this is hilarious that this is even up for debate. If a T is close enough to a door leading into the warday area, but is not entering the warday, the T is baiting a freekill/not participating in the warday, and should be killed by the CT's or slayed by the staff currently in the server. If you're a CT and while you're spraying through a door, and you hit and kill some random T on his way to the warday area, who happens to have his/her guns holstered, then it's your own damn fault and that CT will be slayed for freekilling. All in all, CT's are allowed to shoot through doors during a warday, but it isn't a great idea, as you could accidentally freekill a T on his/her way to the warday area.

Perfectly stated, YES

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So ts are supposed to run into a room full of camping CTs and expect to survive for more than a few seconds.

Cause, logic


give them a chance. letting guards shoot through doors would be frustrating to Ts.

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