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Egossi last won the day on February 25 2022

Egossi had the most liked content!

About Egossi

  • Rank
    Grove Street OG

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  1. Egossi


    Division Garrys Mod (Segal) In-Game Name Egossi Identity egossi Position Other Time Active on Servers 8 years Information hi i would like to be other in segals gmod division Snaptik_6926360969442626821_mr-block-u.mp4 I have read the staff submission rules and meet the requirements for the division I'm applying for. Yes
  2. 123106894_1210056732694254_3901388707653199004_n.mp4
  3. Egossi

    Finish the Story

    when the world needed rhodo, the master of forum elements the most, he vanished
  4. +1 very active, friendly and hilarious dude definitely deserves to become a member A: 6/10 M:7/10
  5. Hahahah Hows it goin bros, my name is peeeeeeewwwwwdieeeepie and welcome tooooo... fridays with peeeewdiepieee! like and favorite if you enjoyed, subscribe to become a bro today, and I'll see you in the next episode stay awesome bros mahhaaaaaawwww
  6. Egossi


    yikes anybody else cringing cringe cringe crrrrinnnging cringennnierringe
  7. Egossi


    weather is nice? in canada?? I bet you miss the superior weather of turkey
  8. Egossi


    what are spending your time on during the lockdown/quarantine if you are on lockdown I am so beyond bored that I came back to these forums to make a post or two, my pc is at my college dorm so the only form of entertainment I've had for the past 2 months has been through my dads crappy lenovo laptop which can only run 8bit indie games, so I've been playing binding of isaac and watching a lot of porn, what have you been doing xeno gaymer?
  9. and that's why masturbating to muscular Garfield isn't gay, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

  10. Egossi


    When I play heavy weapons guy