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Last CT

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I don't know about you guys - but this is bullsh*t.


Super speed, M249, and a buttload of health. it's been forever since

I've seen !lr happen - and by the time last CT occurs most of the T's

don't even have any weapons, and I can guarantee you that last CT

isn't going to be taken down with a knife unless they're afk.. or they've

never played a FPS in their life.


In my opinion, the health needs to be reduced, and the speed needs to

be removed, or just completely be reverted back to the way it was. CT's

already start off with guns, why give them super speed on top of that?

and besides, when a T chooses rebel for !lr they certainly don't get super speed..

so how is that even fair? When I played as CT, and the T choose rebel for !lr,

i could easily kill them as long as I wasn't taken off guard or by suprise - but this..

this is just ridiculous.


an example of this nonsense.


Every T is in Isolation.

one steps out, the door closes

they decide to bomb, taking out

everyone except one. making it last CT.

we're stuck in Isolation and last CT decides to

spray and kill everyone with his SAW.

(and yea, this did happen.)

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And that ct got slayed. I do agree the last ct thing should be removed tho, don't like it. The last ct almost always kills the t before he can lr.

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Freekilling? on xG? What!?! This never happens ever.




I think there should be more rules regarding Last CT. Maybe revise the "kill all" a little bit so they can not just kill every T that is unarmed.

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I don't know what games you guys play on JB but most of the time last CT he is outnumbered 10-1 LMAO.


and that's how it is with rebel on !lr

but you don't see some cocaine addicted prisoner who's like road runner..

and on top of that, rebel doesn't even happen all that much, unlike last

CT which happens almost every round.


also, once last CT is 'activated' all the T's just hide and camp.

why? because Last CT is overpowered. this makes the round extremely

boring and long, and the rounds are already long enough!


this just makes me straight up rage, CT or not, its stupid.

might as well give them no clip too. wouldn't that be just fantastic!

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Ummm you guys sure do have a selective memory, you rebel WAY more then people get an !lr. Especially with BOMBS! Soooo,, anywho... I don't know if he is just testing the plug-in or if he is going to leave it. In the meantime just complain more here and see if he will change it.

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o_O so many changes i haven't noticed :(, and last ct gets speed , m249 and crazy health? even if ur outnumbered that will give the ct way more advantage of killing all the T's. I rather stick with the normal last ct.

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Good all the dirty rats should be wiped out for killing his friends, he rages into beast mode to protect the memory of his fallen comrades. Prisoners have no loyalties to each other. Guards have and ever lasting bond to protect each other. XD

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i disagree with this last ct bs cuz its so stupid that they just get to freekill until lr that ruins the fun of the game and makes people camp to last ct. please remove ~


^~^ <333333333

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