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I'm having an issue with loading css.

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I'm not exactly sure where I should be posting this, but whenever I try to load up css the little window will pop up saying Counter Strike is loading, then it disappears. And then the counter strike window will pop up on the bottom duck, but the nothing happens, then it disappears. I wasn't sure what to do so I've removed css, checked for updates, updated my video driver, and researched a little bit. I'm not really a part of any other forums so this was the only place I knew to post a problem, even though I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post these kinds of things. If anyone else has had this issue, or know how to fix it, could you let me know? Because it's really making me angry, and I can't rebel on Jailbreak or do anything else. If you can solve this issue, please let me know. /:

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Oh, didn't know there was like a technology area. The tab that shows Counter Strike is up is at the bottom. Like if you were in Counter Strike and you opened up Task Manager, the window would still be at the bottom. But like after a second, it disappears. Hard to explain I guess/: I seriously don't know what is wrong with it, maybe there's a firewall or whatever they're called blocking it, I seriously don't know. I was just hoping that someone might of had the same issue and dealt with it already.

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