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The Dildozer - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

The Dildozer

Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

Disrespect of players and ignoring server rules


- Uses inappropriate and disrespectful language towards me:

- Called me "Clanfag" after reminding players of the rule about not building block doorways.

- Called me "Faggot" for no reason whatsoever after I rolled toxic and killed him.

- Building blocking, even after reminding him that he should not do so and that it was against server rules. Building was removed when opposing team rushed, but did not resume building blocking after that.

- Constantly spawn-camps outside of spawn.

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

The Dildozer

Offender's Steam ID:

STEAM_0:1: 30335404

Rules Broken:

Disrespect of players and ignoring server rules


- Uses inappropriate and disrespectful language towards me:

- Called me "Clanfag" after reminding players of the rule about not building block doorways.

- Called me "Faggot" for no reason whatsoever after I rolled toxic and killed him.

- Building blocking, even after reminding him that he should not do so and that it was against server rules. Building was removed when opposing team rushed, but did not resume building blocking after that.

- Constantly spawn-camps outside of spawn.



Remove the space between the colon and the 3.

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