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gamebuddy999 - Team Fortress 2

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Not sure if there is enough proof here to warrant any sort of punishment. Providing a demo will always be the best way, but I'll let these two studs deal with the matter at hand as it Is their Division. @@Rise @@Rhynium


- Dat guy, Forest

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Alright, this request has been up for a long time. Seeing as the "evidence" provided is not enough to warrant any sort of ban (first image shows him saying he will, second showing him killing people, but there's no way to tell if this was due to an order). The best way to catch any perpetrator is by recording a demo (hit ~ while ingame and type record [name]). #Closing this ban request for reasons provided above. @@MuffinMonster to revive this thread should there be a reason to do so, or to just give an opinion or whatever.


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods(?)

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