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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:


Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

I've been active on the Xenogamers Pokemon trade server for quite a long time now (approximately 3 months) and I am on it virtually every day. Whenever i join TF2 that is usually the server i am present on.


I've met many different people there, made a lot of friends, did some trades, so the server is like a home to me now. I know the regulars, the new faces, and I've been able to get along with pretty much everybody. I guarantee if you ask everyone on the server at any time if they have heard of me, someone will recall my name.


Aside from never being banned, I've actually never been kicked from any server for any reason but excessive ping. Morality and the Difference between right and wrong are my specialty, and I can get along with virtually everyone. I'm also not one for blanket punishment....EVER. Although it does bug me when someone is blatantly breaking the rules and refuses to listen to all of us on the server when we say to stop. I've read the rules... it's obvious what they are doing is intentional... it bugs me.


As of recently, I've begun to read stories to everyone on the server if nobody objects. People always have enjoyed when i read, especially creepy pastas, and I've had a lot of positive feedback and made a lot of people ( some of which are going through a hard time ) feel very happy. It's something I want to pursue for my career, and the server has helped me build confidence.


Also, I've wanted to join the teamspeak but i'm having trouble finding it and getting it to work, every time i attempt to get on the website it gives me an error. If I could get some help with that, i'd appreciate it.


So, I guess it's up to you now to see if i'd fit in :D

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To get on our teamspeak, download the respective client here Downloads - TeamSpeak. Once you have downloaded it, open your client and click "Connections" in the top left corner. Hit the connect button and enter the server ip. Our teamspeak server ip is voice.xenogamers.com, hop on and join a room!


Also, you entered your steam ID in the wrong format. To find your steam ID, take your profile url and enter it into Steam ID Finder. It should look something like STEAM_0:1:54162452(My steam ID for example).

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A: 2/10

I have previously seen Applicant on our Goldenrod Server, however I have not seen them in a long time which sends the message that they have been inactive for a long time. Applicant says they have been active on xG servers for 3 months, but it seems that they have started to become inactive.


M: 6/10

I do know that when I saw applicant on servers, they respected the general rules, but what concerns me is that the applicants mentioning of planning/continuation of telling stories over the mic. In my opinion, don't hog the mic with story time, which could possibly prevent others from mentioning what they're trading or from generally talking over the mic on the server(s).


Aggregate Score: 4/10


Decision: -1

Why?: Applicant is inactive on xG server(s) and possible concern over the plan/continuation of mic-hogging/story time.

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