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I don't know where exactly to put this, but the disrespect has gotten even worse. When it was one or two people it was tolerable, but when it's half a full server for no reason I think things have gone too far. I know Chosen can stand up for himself, and fight his own fights, but every was on his *** for nothing at all. He gave orders that were completely understandable, a few people didn't listen, and started a disrespect **** storm. Calling some one a bad warden is one thing, but when an entire server is telling you to suck **** like your mother shouldn't something get done about it? I just don't see why it's necessary in a friendly environment that I know I try to give off on the server. I'm tired of it, and it's turning me off of playing jailbreak.


TLDR; Too much disrespecting, what do?


P.S. I'm going to save the entire console log from that, if anyone wants proof, or if it's needed to do something for admins.

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If your talking about a couple of minutes ago it was crazy. one person said something disrespectful then a whole bunch of others went and said the same thing. i actually started to feel bad for him. :( because so many people were saying **** to him

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Yeah Microsoft, I am. And I take care of my friends and xG members the best I can. That was completely uncalled for, and I have it all to prove what happened. Mods did try to help, but there is only so much they could do, and so many mouths to silence at once. Thanks Billy and Painguin for what you guys did, and everyone else. I just saw Billy gag Boom-Headshot and Painguin trying to hush the crowd. I don't know exactly what started it, but it was just crap. Nobody, xG member or not, deserved that.

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I actually like what dj said the next round when he was warden "Out of your cell your a rebel, Talk over warden your a rebel, IF YOU DISRESPECT SOMEONE YOU DIE" that made me happy :)

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I'm not sure if that was an order he could give, but it was a good call in my opinion. It ended a good chunk of the people that were disrespecting. Some didn't quit though. Even after being gagged.

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I actually like what dj said the next round when he was warden "Out of your cell your a rebel, Talk over warden your a rebel, IF YOU DISRESPECT SOMEONE YOU DIE" that made me happy :)


It's just because I love you Micro ;D nohomo

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0___o always wanted to know who he was. I guess i will never know

He is the night. He is BATMAN! Now if he would only work on the voice, so I don't strain my making fun of him at 3 am while he gives us Where's Harvey freedays.

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