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Suggestion: Roster

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I believe it would be a good idea to help keep [xG] Cleaner and more organized if we maintained a Roster. This'll make it easier for the the staff be recognized for new / uncommon players, to spot inactive members, and generally keep an eye on everyone. This will also ideally keep the clan more exclusive, rather then just accepting everyone and their grand mother and never hear from them again. (which we've been getting a bad reputation for recently)


It would start from the highest rank [xG:L] to the

lowest [xG] and retired members and we can always add more to this. (Activity, Status, etc)


Layout (idea):



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Sounds like a great idea. This is also what I was saying to xG before even I was a member. No one will fight you about this. Unless they want some of this ! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)"

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cool idea. One thing, are you going to do this all yourself? and also i hope your not going to include EVERY xG member because theres a lot.

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cool idea. One thing, are you going to do this all yourself? and also i hope your not going to include EVERY xG member because theres a lot.


well, yea.. a roster usually includes every member :P

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