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Should I sleep? O_O

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ah, considering the dangers of staying up as long as possible, im gonna have to say that its probably dangerous to do this contest, so how about, u guys go 2 days without sleep? instead of going as long as possible


They'll be fine.

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There are many details you're forgetting, like the influence of gaming/computer use. I know of 2 stories about people who died of gaming for 36 hours straight, only getting up for bathroom breaks/snacks. It's really weird how they died, but it proves that gaming for hours on end= BAD IDEA.

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There are many details you're forgetting, like the influence of gaming/computer use. I know of 2 stories about people who died of gaming for 36 hours straight, only getting up for bathroom breaks/snacks. It's really weird how they died, but it proves that gaming for hours on end= BAD IDEA.


Unless the gaming was particularly involving and stressful, I'm doubtful that simply being sedentary and playing video games is going to be exceptionally detrimental. In fact, it's probably safer than the alternative of being markedly active. Now your body has needs of course, and if you just ate snacks (which are probably not giving you much of any nutrients) and took leaks you probably are neglecting those needs to an extreme extent, which, compounded by the weakened immune system and logical well-being of a person in extended consciousness, is probably going to be harmful to you. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if malnutrition was the leading cause of death for those individuals you mentioned, because gaming in and of itself has very little in the way of biological consequences (for better and for worse).


So really, as long as you lead a relatively healthy routine for the days you'll be awake, you'll be fine, even if you spend a great chunk of those hours gaming. So yeah, drink water, brah, and get some sweet, sweet Vitamin D every now and then too. You'll be fine.

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if ur making urself stay up on like soda and coffee and stuff, ur pretty much asking ur heart to stop working, so i would rather that u guys didnt do the contest, unless u dont use sugar and caffeine to keep urselves up

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