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[dt181] Assassin Freakout - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

[DT181] Assassin Freakout

Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

spamming for warden, mass freekilling because he's stupid, killing people not facing cells even tho he NEVER says to face cells in his orders... killing people that are red even though he never sees them rebel, killing people for going up a ladder on a freeday, killing anyone that gets in melee range on a freeday



holy shit... this guy was the definition of downs... he would give orders:

"If you come out of your cell you get shot"

"Crouchwalk to the yellow line, spies sappers out medic no healing demo no charging"

*He would then kill anyone not facing cells even tho he never said to, he never even said to freeze....*


He would kill anyone that was RED colored on a freeday without actually seeing them rebel

He killed anyone that got within melee range of him, even on a freeday

And noone else could warden because he talks the entire time during the countdown, telling people to learn how to play and to learn the rules, that everything he was doing was legit.... while people tried to votekick/voteban him...

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+1 these demos seem to make everything pretty obvious. Can we get anyone to check out the server logs as well? I dunno how.

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  • Spammed for Warden
  • Freekilling
  • Disrespect towards server users
  • General Rule Breaking

Suggested Punishment: 4 Week CT Ban

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