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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:


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Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

I have been playing on XG servers for the past 9 months. I know how the game works really well. I am very responsible, I have good leadership skills. I would not abuse my power or use it to say I am better than any other person. I would really like to be in XG I think it is a great gaming group and have met many friends through XG and would really love to be a part of XG and give back.

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I am very responsible, I have good leadership skills. I would not abuse my power or use it to say I am better than any other person. I would really like to be in XG I think it is a great gaming group and have met many friends through XG and would really love to be a part of XG and give back.

1. You're applying for member, not moderator.

2. Fix your SteamID, find it by going to Steam ID Finder and follow the steps

3. Rarely see you, so 0 for now.

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Shadow Shark is on pretty much whenever I'm on maybe even more he's really great even though bed a member he can't shoot higher. He changes his name at times but he is sticking with the original. If anything Shadow deserves to be a member more than ever. Origins not to call you out or anything I believe me and shadow have been part of the server longer than you to my knowledge

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