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Can we get MUTING and UNMUTING back?

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I don't see a problem with the muting being taken away but the problem is their are, like glitchers who would talk before 6:30 in JB

and sometimes their would be little kids with squeaky voices which is irritating and all admins/mods can do is tell them too shutup

and not to talk again and is reasonable but the problem is sometimes they don't and admins/mods have to resort to kicking then they

come back and complain :/


(And does !gag substitute muting or just text messaging?)

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eh yeh we had mute turn off and back on a few times now due to abuse of it im guessing, mods and admins never learn.

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doesnt mute/unmute not work anymore for ppl that are dead? cause since dead ppl can talk and not bother living ppl since they cant hear it, doesnt mute/unmute only allow dead ppl to talk in dead chat? so if i want to unmute myself and im dead, ill only be unmuting myself in dead chat, i wont be able to unmute myself in live chat, at least i think thats how it goes

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serbian is right, atm there is no way for anyone to talk to live players if they are dead as long as chat is up. So mute/unmute doesn't even benefit mods or anyone else other then to mute a spammer.

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