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"resisting" Lr

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ive noticed that lots of blues decide to "Resist lr". For example lr being "I want to backstab you all" they sit in a corner so they cannot be backstabed, etc. Is this already not allowed, or is it allowed, or does it need to be added?

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ive noticed that lots of blues decide to "Resist lr". For example lr being "I want to backstab you all" they sit in a corner so they cannot be backstabed, etc. Is this already not allowed, or is it allowed, or does it need to be added?

I believe resisting lr is bad. I mean blues don't really care if one day is a freeday. I would think that a more severe punishment would be placed down

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LRs for the current round is expected to be carried out immediately without delays or detours.

[delaying the round will only bore the remaining reds anyway]


for example, if the red's LR is to do crush game today with all blues.

the blues cannot sit there till the very last second to jump into crush game and say they played it.


You can be slain for delaying LR, it would count as denial.

It would also apply to the example you gave too.

@kbraszzz to confirm

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