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Population (another one of these!?)

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Servers not being populated? want people to populate them? People come onto TF2, CS, etc. to have fun, and with fun servers, the place gets populated and spreads. On the other hand we do not have that, we do have a problem on our hands. It's the trouble of time convenience of population, dedication, and members.


Population would be better if there was be time convenience. Before you go out and say "Time to populate the server now" you must be aware of people living in different time zones. You have to plan out the best time and day to populate. From what I see is that members would say to populate a server at random, then 20 minutes later say that no one populated, but I could be possibly wrong, maybe it is organized and I have not seen it. I think the best time to populate are those early release days usually on every other Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and possibly Sundays.


Dedication to population needs to be better. I hate it when the main person who said to populate leaves in 20 minutes for another server or to play something else. I can understand if you had to do homework, go to your job, or an event happened, but if that's not the case, then why leave? When you feel that the server is going short, then don't leave, people might join in, people like finding a server with a decent amount of people playing it and it will (might) gradually grow. If it was really short like four people playing then that's probably the best time to call off the population. You don't just start a blood drive and leave in 30 minutes to do something else, you gotta be there.


Lastly I would like to bring up member, mostly to admins and mods. People don't like server with rudeness. "First impressions are big everywhere" (Bach, "Our dead servers, and what to do with them", page 1). I've talked to people and asked why they don't go on the xG servers. They tell me that they are either scared of a mod/admin or hate a mod/admin and wouldn't want to be there. If there was a school that harassed kids verbally, would you want them to go there? Seriously there should be stronger penalties on the rudeness of mods/admins. They were nominated mods/admins for a reason. Right?

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people don't play css cause jb is fake and gay


also its filled with fggots.



TF2 is basically a daycare for 12 year olds.



P.S. im a pleb



p.p.s dr lee pls klli urslef


edit: 4got 2tag @DrLee @Forest @Tsuchikure


edit2: lol @Bleed
















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