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Zombie mod/Escape rules?

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Zombie mod / Escape

1) Do not Glitch Inside Soda machines , Rocks , Walls ect.

2) As a human, Do not Ruin/Destroy your fellow teammates barricade that is being used.

3) No Friendly Zombies (Meaning Zombies cannot Block their fellow teammates from getting a human)

4) Only 1 Human allowed in a crouch spot.

5) Do not block/glitch any Humans to get them killed.

6) Do not Glitch Doors.

7) Enjoy


Post any suggestions.

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i define it as , An area where u are forced to remain crouched or must crouch to get in- No loop pwease - If the area people use has more than 1 way in but 1 is crouching , Its not a crouch spot! :D rule loopers get nuthin.

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