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Member Name: Mojo


In-Game Name: Mojo


Steam ID: STEAM:0:0:76561198037207856


Age: 12


Game Time: 1 Year


Helpful Skills: Try to have your crosshair scale at 9000 makes your aim a lot BETTER trust me

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This guy is actually pretty mature for his age, and his voice is lower than some people's who are older than him in this clan lol.


Seems to mostly know the motd, and I think he deserves more respect than he does actually get around here


Only one thing, he constantly spams @FREEKILL FREEKILL FREKILLLLLLLLL in to-admin chat, and sometimes I am skeptical about whether or not they are real freekills... because it happens at least once every two rounds lol. nevertheless, +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

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i think he actually did apply a couple of weeks ago and he got denied for lieing about his age and no one knew him. unless that was some different mojo, but i vouch he knows all the rules and is mature for his age. +1

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I agree with Nullbyte, like every other round he types something in admin chat about him getting freekilled... but nonetheless +1 for being mature at 12.

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